
1 minute read time.

Well today was weird.  Got an application for a job rejected and also told that my place of voluntary work (the local museum, rather abruptly) didn't need me any more for a while as it is quiet.  Also told me I was only being used as a casual volunteer rather than on the regular team even though I'd told them I would really like to be.  Felt a bit off as my family had been on at me to get a job since my Mum's death and made it clear that they would have not much to do with me unless I did.  I started trying, more for me than anything, just to use my brain and skills a bit.  The principle is simple - but not easy.  And since Flash, my dog died, it's harder.  It takes me ages to do my CV and send it off at the moment.

Went for an aromatherapy session and then half an hour of counselling and then the floodgates opened - really cried.   The counsellor had said before the session finished, that it's best not to have too many treatments on the one day.   I had thought it was ok to mix aromatherapy with counselling.  Apparently not.  Too much of a good thing?
