
2 minute read time.

Having to deal with rejectiion and setbacks at the moment, talked to the counsellor today at Maggie's Cancer Care.  She is really understanding but pointed out to me that rejection and knockbacks are part of life.  It's just, I've had about three in the one week!

Also, not sure if I am going back to my comedy class. I got disappointment there too. We act and perform our own comedy scripts, and my work didn't get filmed as part of the TV recording we did and I was gutted.  It felt personal although it wasn't.  I then submitted the script to a theatre company and that came back a no as well. I also feel that some people in that class are laughing at me too, for wanting it all to go somewhere, so badly.  I really wanted to be able to say to them that it didn' t matter about the TV recording because my application got accepted by the theatre company.  But it didn't.  Now, after all these disappointments, and also I had liked someone in that class and thought he was a friend I could talk to and I heard him mocking my script and my acting, not-quite-behind-my back, so I could hear him as well.  He mocked it to the student who was chosen to have her script filmed.  That was hurtful.  They went off together after class.  When I got home, I really wanted to let him know what I thought of him.    I thought of sending him an e-mail saying I'd been bewildered and hurt by his remarks, but somehow I don't feel that would help the situation.  I am bewildered and hurt though, and am left with it all to deal with on my own.  What price friendship?  And all of this feels like being hit with a brick because of all I've been going through recently.  I had thought to boost my confidence by going to the comedy class.  But it seems to have had the reverse effect.  It's made me cry not laugh.

I thought it was going to be fun. Instead, it turns into the X Factor.  Next time, this woman will be prancing around, all smug in her victory of getting both script and man.  I know it will be hard to get through the class.  Also, it's the last class and I won't see them next term because It's full.  It's first-come first-served: you don't automatically get re-enrolled.  It's all pretty hard.  That said, I'm not sure if I want to carry on with it if it's going to be the X Factor for comedy.  Will it be The Chuckle Factor?  Do you think Michael McIntyre would make a great new Simon Cowell for comedy?

A friend of mine is having a live sitcom performance on Saturday so I might go along to that and talk to her afterwards. If I ask her nicely she might let me put it on in the future, who knows?  But after all of this, I'm wondering whether it's wise not to get my hopes up too much.

I'll let you know what happens ....

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear that - the only thing I can say is perhaps you have had a lucky escape from someoen who is insensitve at best and a callous bastard at worst. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and still carry on even if it is just for yourself. Send it to me if you like but I don't think there is anything for you in the ersatz X factor. Go and talk to your friend - you can't lose by it and most imporatant keep us informed!

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Hi persephone

    Ive just read your blog and wonder quite honestly how they can be so cruel...there is simply no need. Personally I think there is something to be gained by emailing your friend..simply to let them know their actions have caused you upset and pain, i think its quite important, especially if they know you fairly well. They may well think about it then.

    Keep your chin up

    Kim  xx

  • FormerMember

    to be honest i dont think you should e nail him he obviously is a callous twat sorry but these people dont really care for others feelings and better off without someone like that in your life reckon you found out in time just what he was like!!!

    dont gve up writing your scripts carry on no one said it was going to be easy im sure the best script writers in the world got rejected many a time before they hit the jackpot!!!

    my motto is and has been for years people shouldnt hurt you and if they do throw them in the skip of life and walk on and never look back !!!

    take care love and hugs jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, Sorry to hear of your experiences, to be honest I can only echo the comments made by others, do not bother emailing him, he sounds so insensitive for it to actually make him think.

    I also agree - please keep going with the scripts. I have read some of you blogs, and you obviously have a special writing skill and a deep insight into understanding of human emotions.  I am not suggesting for one moment that your Blogs were humorous just they were so well written.

    Maybe the last point for now, you do have a lot of friends on here who will support and not ridicule - know its not really a substitute for the relationship you hoped for - but we do listen and understand.

    Love and Hugs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    It's wonderful to know I have got friends on this website who do listen and understand.  I really appreciated your responses.  Thank you.  

    After a few days of Dark Night of the Soul, I finally managed to screw up the courage to go to the last comedy class.  Yup, I faced 'em!  It was very difficult to see the guy again and I just couldn't talk to him much.   I felt too hurt because of what he and this woman had said about my script. He had been so disloyal and unfriendly.  Oddly enough the class itself went OK - we performed each other's comedy sketches and I had written and performed a  new monologue which went down well.  At this rate, Fry and Laurie, Goodness Gracious Me, the IT Crowd AND BlackAdder had better watch out!

    Afterwards we went to the pub for a farewell drink (yes I did think what am I doing  with this lot, not to mention having to sit next to Her but did it anyway) and I still couldn't get it together to talk to him about how I really feel.  Just couldn't in front of all those people.  As a result, your woman pranced off at the end of the evening with him in tow again, walking to the station, and I felt worse.  I could have gone after them but she had him firmly tucked under one arm - figuratively at least -  and was marching off with him in the direction of the station.   There are obviously no prizes for hanging back or for being a shrinking violet.  If you want to do a thing, do it I guess.  When I got home I got emotional.  I wonder if I will see him again.

    It did occur to me to wonder if I was a celebrity whether he'd have more time for me.  But isn't that like buying friends?  Didn't we learn at school that you can't buy your friendships and relationships?

    Comedy is a fusion of all the arts really: as well as being funny, there is song, dance, theatre, a bit of panto, elements of the circus, clowning, as an art form it is really fascinating, ever-changing, ever-evolving

    Quite apart from the money and celebrity clout wielded by today's stand-up comedians, and it's not even rock n' roll! - quite apart from your Russell Brands and your Michael McIntyres, it is really amazing doing comedy as it brings together all the strands of performance; you learn to create dramatic tension, you become more of a playwright - you get a sense of the Bard himself never being too far away from it.  You become more of an actor.  You learn how acting works in comedy, how to use it.  Fry and Laurie did countless sketches when they first started out about being bad actors and messing everythiing up.  You learn to use buffoonery and slapstick.  You learn about satire.  You learn about a lot!

    The script I wrote, that didn't get filmed,definitely has something.  I'm not actually sure whether it is the opening episode of a sitcom or in fact the beginnings of a play or even a  screenplay. It's wonderful exploring what it will turn into.  You are too right when you say keep writing.

    Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment but I would do another comedy course.  It sure takes my mind off the bereavements and all the other things coming up that I've got to deal with.  What it doesn't do, as some of you have pointed out, is show you what to do with your scripts or  your career path or where your writing might be best appreciated or stand the best chance of being produced.  I'd like to get a sitcom on telly, with me in it - who wouldn't? - so the hunt is on to find Mr or Ms Comedy TV Producer or Theatre Producer for the finished script.   Or I might  even  decide to challenge  Russell Brand at his own game ....