
1 minute read time.

On Monday I wrote a comedy sketch based on my experiences of the cancer bereavement group and performed it on Tuesday night with other people in front of an small but select audience, one of whom was an established stand-up comedian.  He liked it but said it was really two central comedic ideas and most comedy sketches need to concentrate on one.  So there you go: two for the price of one!

I used my experiences of talking about Flash and about Mum, to create the sketch.   No one realised how true to life it was.  They seemed to like it and find it funny, which was the main thing, and the actors said there were some great lines in it and that they'd enjoyed speaking them.  Music to my ears, as I'd enjoyed writing them.

OK it might have been somewhat black humour, being about cancer bereavement, but boy it helps!

There were four characters in it .  It was about the lives of these four people and the different backgrounds they all came from. I played one of the main characters myself and my acting was praised as well.

I can't say the process of writing it or acting it out in front of a live audience was easy, especially as it is so soon for me after bereavement of both my Mum (five months) and of dog (two weeks).  It really did beat sitting alone feeling sad though.  The sound of a group of people laughing at something I wrote, was really good.

It wasn't all laughter, there was some criticism, which sometimes comes as a shock if you are sensitive.  I think the two situations in the scene led to some confusion.  But it's nice to think all round that you have maybe too ideas than too few!  To me it was just the way the story went.

This was a first for me, people had always said I should try comedy and this was planned before my Mum died, so I went for it.  I did wonder how it would pan out in front of a bigger audience, but that's for another time.

And now for something completely different ...

  • FormerMember

    I think either this sketch or another sketch I'm writing, is going to be recorded next week!  In a real studio!  Aaa hhhhh!  The professional stand-up comedian said he thought out of the two ideas I had, the cancer bereavement group  and the other one, that he liked the other one best.  Maybe I could write both and see which is my favourite.

    I should probably write them by Monday as the recording will be Tuesday night.

    Crikey ....  Who'd a thought it? ....

  • FormerMember

    Not sure if I'm ready for all this whirlwind of comedy activity .... it's only been two weeks since me dog died.

  • FormerMember

    Persephone, so sorry to read about your Mum and your dog.  Good to hear about your sketch though.  

    I too have gone down the comedy route!  [Well my children and grandchildren think I'm hysterical anyway!]  This year I have become a widow, received my bus pass and got myself a drum kit......... oh and I lost my cat too!  Her name was Peabrain and the vet used to love coming out into the reception calling for Peabrain Hubbard (told you I was funny, Hubbard is my surname ...yes)

    Anyway, good luck with the recording and enjoy!


  • FormerMember

    Excellent Persephone! Let us know how it goes and where we can see it.

    Well done!

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Atmy father's funeral my Step-mother and I ended up hiding  in the kitchen rocked with laughter. It had always been said that a certain uncle and aunt went on a diet whenever a death was announced so that they could eat you out of house and home after the interrment. There they were sitting on the sofa, plates piled high., when the undertaker (a family friend) popped his head round the door to say goodbye. "Ta ta" said my aunt," see you next time and soon, I hope!"