All Things Psychic

3 minute read time.

What does anyone think: can we contact people who are "on the other side"?

Is it worth trying to see if someone you have lost through cancer has any messages or guidance for you that they would like to give you - or at the very least that you can say hello and know you are heard?

I have been thinking about this more and more.

Sometimes I think I can feel Mum around me - that she has definitely not gone away and that she is trying to let me know stuff. 

Just one example: I was in the supermarket on Saturday and feeling particularly sad because we went in there together so much.  As I was walking out with my groceries, the bookshelves caught my eye suddenly.  And there was a book about colour analysis, and how to look good in your particular colours that suit you according to your skin type and how to dress for your body shape and how to wear makeup according to your unique colouring.  It was called "Colour Me Beautiful".  It was reduced in the sale and it was the sort of thing Mum would have drawn my attention to and wanted me to take note of.  She loved people making the most of themselves and she would cheer me up with suggestions like this when I was feeling down.  I was also into colour analysis for a while and used to hold colour analysis parties at home, to which I invited a lot of her friends.  It was something we were both interested in.  It was as if she was telling me not to feel down but to maybe spruce myself up a bit and get some ideas by reading this book.  Which is exactly the sort of thing she would say when she was still around, to help me have confidence in myself.  We used to watch Gok Wan's fashion programmes together.

I do wonder if Mum was trying to talk to me that day.  I would like to find out more but It often seems to involve large amounts of money and I'm not really interested in that.

I went recenty to a pub psychic evening and instead of the group talk/meeting/experience I had been expecting, it was a group of mediums sat in a back room holding private one-to-one seances for £39.95 a go.  It was a bit of a shock and rammed it home what a business it really is.  I would have been happy to pay £5 or even £10 for a general talk and discussion with maybe a demonstration on a willing member of the audience. But it didn't turn out to be that kind of evening. Maybe there is room for someone to organise one.  But that price really did seem steep.  I met a man sitting in the corner who I sort of confided in, perhaps I shouldn't have done but I found myself talking about how my mum and dog had died within months of each other, both of cancer.  We had quite a good chat.  He was very keen to let me know that he thought  I could stay in touch with Mum using my own mind and emotions, rather than relying on someone else to get in touch.  In psychic terms, a sceptic.  He told me to spend the money on something nice for myself rather than give it to someone else to make contact, and that he felt that my mum sounded like the sort of person who would prefer that I do that.  And that felt ok.  When the organiser lady came back to see if I wanted a reading, I said I'd pass.  And that felt right.  It was a very nice pub and I stayed a couple of hours just relaxing.  I didn't see anyone else going up for a reading while I was there but maybe they did later.  After taking some Dutch courage perhaps?

I've had lots of dreams about Mum since she died and she is mostly laughing and happy.  I should think she is in a better place. But beyond that, I don't know, and I would like to.  Maybe one day it will come to me .....

  • FormerMember

    hi hun did try to pm message you but i wasnt able to yes i believe very much in the spiritual side of things and i have often gone to the spiritualist church in north london although havent managed to get there because of my illness since last year i dont know where in london you live but i think you will find that there is one near you and if it isnt too far away think you will find it very comforting and will meet lots of lovely kind people it doesnt cost much money just a small donation whatever you can afford to put in the plate if you want to try and priveat message me i can let you know more i lost my dad 30 yrs ago and i found it a lovely source of comfort always remeber your mum is never far from you and i can still feel my dad round me every day love and hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Persephone,

    You Did the right thing keep your money in your pocket. Everyone is entitled to their opinon, if you

    believe that the dead can speak to you from the other side and it gives you comfort that helps you,

    fine. But you shouldnt have to pay for it. But thats what choice is all about.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Nope! I've told my family .... Unless I come back and say " I believe I can fly" then it's not me...... So time will tell....

    We all want to believe our loved ones are there looking down on us.... I personally think if they are and they can  contact us, then they don't need to go through someone who puts on fake voices and takes your money

    LIZ xxx

  • FormerMember

    it's not possible to really know the answer to this, but how I would love to know my mum and dad are reunited and happy together, but what if they weren't - would I be happy to know that? So I just try to think nice thoughts about my beloved parents and remember how lovely they were to us throughout their lives and how they live on in us and any grandchildren etc.

    I want to tell people about something that happened in the day before my mum died. She was on the Liverpool Care Pathway for the dying and it was quite gentle really, but my mum was deeply unconscious as she was incredibly ill. One night (she kept going for 4 days) I was quietly distraught at the state she was in and in floods of slient tears. My unconscious mum (who had dementia) raised her arm and wiped my tears away. She was still in there and still my mum and still somehow aware of me. She made me so happy to know that whatever the circumstances she was still my mum. I hope and pray that we will meet again one day but in the meantime I am happy to leave things as they are. This has taught me that no matter how unconscious people seem to be they can still hear us and have an awareness of what is going on, so always continue to speak to them directly and say loving things - they do hear you. Sorry rambled off the subject but love never dies xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Persephone,sorry you have had such an introduction to psychies. As someone mentioned the Spiritualist Church is a good place to start. I work with a Medium and he is doing a service on March 20th at Wimbledon Spiritualist Church. He firmly believes that It is not all about the money and works very much from the heart. I will try and pm you to give you more. And yes your Mum is very much with you every day. x