a little background....

2 minute read time.

Well to start off i should probably tell you all a little about myself. Im 28 i have a sister whos 35 and has a 7 year old son. My mum is 55 and has been married to my dad who 61 for 38 years. My dad has been my mums carer for pretty much that amount of time as she sufferes with a long history of mental illness.

My childhood wasnt the best but my dad was always there, he was my childhood hero and as sad as it is now adays to say, he still is my hero. i have suffered with depression and in my darkest days i used to cry thinking of life without my dad, but when i got better i would laugh at myself for being so silly.

Fast forward a few years and i am now living this nightmare. 2 months ago my wonderful and caring dad was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer, it had already taken up 1/2 of his right lung causing it to collapse. We spoke to the Doctor and i asked him if there was the slightest chance that the cancer could go away. he said YES! I always try to be optimistic so have held out hope that even if it is a small chance then at least theres a chance. He is now on his 2nd dose of his first course of chemotherapy. 

Today my mum and dad went went to get a letter from the doctor to prove he has cancer. His GP had written in this letter that my dad was receiving "pallative Chemotherapy", well of course i panicked! so i looked it up on the internet and it pretty much states, that this type of chemotherapy is to prolong life not cure it. Thanks Doc for giving me false hope.

Now for the questions!! What am i supposed to do? this man has been the only constant good thing in my life, i have no idea how i am to exist in a world which hes not in. I really dont think that time will heal this. I feel selfish because i just think that i have wasted my life. My sister was the one who got married and had a kid, i was the one who loved the single life and concentrated on my work. I now feel i have deprived my Dad of seeing me become a parent and settle down. I want my future children to know and love my dad like my nephew has. I want him to walk me down the aisle and give me away like he did for my sister. But this has come and completely destroyed everything. I dont know what i want from life any more and now i feel a rush to find a boyrfriend and have children so at least he can see the start.

Anyways thats enough for the time being. im working nights so will probably update you more at  a later date!!!

  • FormerMember

    Morning Charlie, After a night shift you will probably be asleep but you can read this later. Sorry to see you joining the club no one wants to be in and reading about your dad. Yes, it's really knocks you sideways mentally when a loved one gets diagnosed your brain goes into overdrive and you feel so alone with your thoughts even with family and friends are around you.

    Once anyone gets cancer they will never say you are cured - They give you surgery, chemo and loads of drugs to destroy any cells of tumour that may get left after surgery or to take away the hormones that the cancer is feeding off, block the receptors in the cancer cells etc and buys you time. In some cases this can be a high number of years in others less so but it is time you wouldn't have got without treatment. Don't get confused between palliative care and hospice care. Palliative care can go on for years it all depends on how aggressive the cells are and how your dad is coping with treatment. 

    As for what to do - be yourself, try and keep things normal as he won't want to be constantly reminded he is ill by everyone fussing around him, although if he wants to talk about it let him and reassure him you will be there to support him and just as important help your mum as she is the one coping with your dad and will be helping to care for him on a daily basis - she may stress thinking she can't cope due to her health problems. Certainly don't rush out find a boyfriend and start a family, you are in an emotional state and not thinking this through. If you settle into a relationship and get pregnant that will become a big part of your life and you will feel torn between having a healthy pregnancy, living with your fella and trying to look after your dad and mum - There won't be enough of you to go around.......... He loves you for what you are and won't be best pleased if you changed your whole life around just to please him. In the future you may come to actually resent chucking your career away and starting a family before 'you' are ready for it.

    Think the best place for you to be at the moment is the Relatives Group where you can join and post some of the info above as an intro and get some replies from the lovely people there. Just click the green text link. They will be going through similar situations and know where you are coming from.

    If you feel like you need more info regarding your dads treatment there is a Lung Group too. Just click on the button at the top of the page named 'Groups' and follow the links. 

    Hope this helps for now, take care, George & Jackie (suffolk)