here we go again

1 minute read time.

Ok going to try and get a blog of last few days to let everyone know how it is going in Bunland.

Well I went to see the 'Nice man' at the hospital on Monday and he was a nice man. He was reassuring - saying he saw lots of ladies with similar issues to mine and that my age and size - he called me slim - i love him lol - suggests that it is unlikely to be cancer. However, I had to have biopsy.

This is not for the squeamish - if you are a lady and have had to go every three years for the usual check of lady bits then you know the procedure. Now imagine someone taking a biopsy - no anaesthetic - ouch i hear you say - medieval torture I say. Anyway they have a piece of me now and I should get results by the end of the week. - more waiting

later the same day got a call to say that the fibroid they have found is going to be removed on 3rd Oct.

Had letter confirming that today and nearly freaked out as it said I was going to Gynaecology Oncology - I rang up saying 'Have i been diagnosed with cancer then?' As no-one had told me!! Poor receptionist apologised so profusely - apparently as i was fast tracked by Gp I saw gyn/onc - now I think well at least he knows what he is talking about then - and he called me slim :)

She reassured me that the fibroid was benign and was going to be removed on that date as they had a 30 minute slot that needed filling. happy to oblige i say. After picking myself off floor and mopping up tears and deep breathing I think well at least that will go.

Now all I have to do is wait for a call to tell me whether they have found any nasties in the biopsy.

Missing all you lovely people - hope this works

Love DB xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi DB,

    Am I glad Im a man . I had a needle biopsy on my collar bone.  It was painful but nothing compared to what you had to go through.  Good Luck with the results. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi DB,

    Its sounding pretty good eh? Glad you got an op date  already and you got a nice man! (and you are slim haha) They are always over cautious with these things so I would take heart from that that all will be ok....

    Ouch. I have hid similar things done.. and ouch indeed.

    Good luck for the op and let us know the results when you get them. Will keep my fingers crossed.

    Litlte my x

  • FormerMember


    This is my 3rd attempt to put a comment here, but my first since they shut the site down today so let's see if it works.

    Now what did I say before..... Oh I remember, great news so far and I'm crossing my toes (well LM is doing the fingers) for the biopsy result.

    My wife has had smear tests and hates them so I kind of guess what you went through was higher up the richter scale. I don't envy you ladies one bit!

    Take care

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Daisybun,

    My eyes were watering as I read your "ladybits" piece - I had something similar done (polyp removed) without anaesthetic many years ago, then had to get the train home in the rush-hour feeling sore & wishing I could find a seat. Every sympathy with you, but at least you had a NICE doc who called you SLIM!!!

    I do hope everything turns out well for you & thanks for your entertaining blogs!

    Love & hugs,

    Annie xxx