Progress? Yeah, I think so

1 minute read time.

Yet another uninspiring "update" style blog I'm afraid. But at least a positive one!

Just over ten days ago for my bank holiday entertainment I managed to throw up and throw out my nasal feeding tube. Unable to face going to hospital over a bank holiday weekend I decided rather to interpret this as an omen that I should now try to subsist without it. 

Following consultation yesterday with my oncologist and ENT specialist, it looks like I might succeed in my goal of ditching the tube. There were a few hiccups along the way, both literally and metaphorically: for example an odd day of vomiting bile. I had no idea that the human body could produce such colours, from bright orange to dark green. It was like a day of throwing up traffic lights. I have also lost another 1.5 kilos, perhaps not surprising given the abrupt ending of the nasal feeding regime.

But my consultations yesterday, also with dieticians and a dental nurse, were very heartening. In essence, the message I got was that I am "doing very well" for this kind of treatment: the initial impression is that I seem to have responded to the treatment as hoped, I should carry on trying without the tube and that my post-treatment scan can now be fixed up within the next couple of weeks.

Eating isn't easy, but if I can take on board enough food to survive and then build on that, this will indeed be major progress!

Thanks for reading...
