Anyone out there heard of low level laser therapy (LLLT)?

1 minute read time.

Because I lived in Brussels for a long time and because the health care system there empowers the patient more than in the UK, when I was diagnosed one of the options I considered was going back there to be treated. The reason I did not go for it was simply practicalities - where to stay, how to deal with being away from family (I have 2 children in school here in Wales), etc.

However, comparing treatments available has thrown up some interesting things, such as low level laser therapy (LLLT) which is available at the Jules Bordet Institute in Brussels, Belgium's leading cancer centre.   Around 80 to 100% of people with head and neck cancer treated with chemoradiotherapy suffer from severe soreness in the mouth and throat, dry mouth and swallowing problems as a result of their treatment. (Don't we know it, boys and girls .....) LLLT can significantly reduce these unpleasant effects, yet no-one I have spoken to in the Welsh NHS appears to have heard of it.

However, it is not just some oddity practised in the UKIP Heart of Darkness (Brussels). It appears it has even made its way across the Channel to the NHS in Southampton. See 

Does any out there have any experience or knowledge of LLLT in the UK or elsewhere? 

As may be guessed from the above, it has been a rough couple of days recently: the violent hiccupping has returned which, together with mouth sores, sore throat, and vomiting (sorry...) and increased fatigue, has led to grumpiness and an inability to blog. But posting this means that things have improved a bit! 


  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear your side effects have been hard going.  I hope that you feel better soon.  

  • Hi All,

    I also posted this question in the discussion group on Head and Neck Cancer. Seems like there is a bit of confusion, sorry for that. Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is NOT a treatment for cancer but only for dealing with the side effects of radiotherapy - essentially for promoting the healing of damaged tissue around the area. (So it is nothing to do with IMRT or VMAT or any radiotherapy techniques or technology.) LLLT is used, for example, to speed up healing in athletes after a sports injury. It has been used in Belgium for a while, with positive results, to treat the mouth ulcerations and burns that come with radiotherapy to the neck so I was curious to see whether it was available in the UK. As anyone who has had radiotherapy to the throat area can testify, the side effects are pretty damn miserable!

    My oncologist was kind enough also to make enquiries and confirmed that LLLT is not available anywhere in the UK except Southampton NHS Trust, where it is currently being trialled only. Some private clinics in the UK offer LLLT but this is for back pain and sports injuries and the like, not for anything as highly specialised and challenging as the side effects of radiation in the head and neck area.

    So, if you are a head and neck cancer patient in the UK, you have to be content with swilling paracetamol around your mouth, or taking co codamol with laxatives etc - unless you are willing to travel to Brussels 2-3 times a week, that is ......

    Good luck everyone!

  • FormerMember

    Hey David,

    I saw your comment that one problem if you came to Belgium would be where to stay. I realise its only one small aspect, but you could certainly stay at our house as often and as long as you needed, if it was helpful.
