Hunt the x ray

4 minute read time.

Warning this is a bit lengthy

On the 22nd of July I got up for work as usual went to the loo and passed a lot of blood.I went to my GP who referred me for a CT scan I was very scared due to my mum having had kidney cancer and following removal of her kidney died soon after as the cancer had spread.My CT scan date came through very quick it was for the 26th of July.On the 28th I received a phone call asking if I could come in to see the Consultant on the 29th of course I said yes.Alarm bells started to ring I did not mention any off this to my family as didn't want to worry them.I went to the appointment by myself  I asked the receptionist where I should go and she pointed me to the waiting are.I was the only female in the waiting area and the men were discussing their prostate problems {I know I shouldnt be listing to other peoples conversations but waiting rooms are pretty boring}I thought I have not got one of those so went back to reception to check I was in the right place she assured me I was. I was called to see the consultant on entering the room I saw the computer screen on it was a picture of a perfect kidney on the right side but on the left was a thing that looked like a deformed cauliflower I said my God it is huge and ugly the consultant said it is not that big {it turned out to be 9.5cm big in my book}I then sat down he explained that it is a cancer and it appeared the lymph nodes were clear but I would have to have my kidney removed I asked when he said on Monday I said which Monday he said this Monday {sorry about the he said she said}from here was a world wind of blood tests ECG and pre op assessment at the end they arranged for a taxi to take me home as I had gone by myself on the bus.I had to tell my family my 2 daughters where wonderful and still are so were my friends who incidentally have either had or had a loved one with cancer.Husband on the other hand did not say much {he left me when I came out of hospital could not cope with cancer but thats another story}  The next day off to buy new jim jams and of course underwear for going into hospital.The op went well 5 and a half hours later the deformed cauliflower was out and I can highly recommend the epidural and copious amounts of oromorp I did not have any pain just some discomfort and everyone said I did not look as if I had had an operation I did have one worrying moment  when I woke up  I felt round to my side and no dressing so thought they had not done anything and perhaps I was dreaming but then felt my stomach and was all padded up I then thought yes the consultant did the tummy tuck I asked him for to do while he was in there so to speak but the nurse dashed my hopes and said he had removed my kidney via the front .So home I went to recover.My follow up appointment came and I was told that the cancer was grade 2 and lymph nodes clear I was so relieved then the consultant had what I call a columbo moment he said did anyone mention you have a nodule on your lung ERR NO he said not to worry we will keep an eye on it and scan again in December.Since I have been so worried however I remembered that in the 1970s I was told I had a nodule on my lung but age had impaired my memory so went to GP who said they would try to find my old paper records to see if it was the same.For the last 2 months I have waited for my paper records to turn up well yesterday they did.My Gp had trawled through them and found that the nodule had been there since 1974 and on other x rays in the 1980s and it was still the same size and strangely it was her father who had done the x ray report I gave her the biggest hug and thanked her .I came out of the surgery humming I'm walking on sunshine woo hoo and don't it feel good .I sent texts to my daughters and friends whilst walking home.I realise how lucky I am  and I know cancer can come back but for now it is so good to have some good news.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Scraton, firstly I'd like to say I'm sorry to hear that your mum passed away with this horrendous disease. I can only imagine how frightening it must have been for you when diagnosed with the same.

    I am really pleased to hear the news that there was no further spread and that the nodule on your lung was nothing sinister.

    I wish you all the very best for the future.

    Christine xx

  • Hi Christine thank you for your good wishes.I am aware that I skipped over the emotional impact of all that happened to me.I have always been a get on with it kind of person.It is often said cancer changes people and it did change me I went from a confident person to feeling like an insecure little girl who wanted her mum to come and make it better I was terrified.I have seen so many of those dear to me die from this disease and the moment I saw the picture on the computer I planned my funeral wondered how my girls would cope without me etc etc.I never cried until I was told about the nodule on my lung I think I was in shock everything happened so fast.I have had so much support from my girls and friends and both here and off Rose Woodward from James Whale fund for kidney cancer.As perhaps many others I kept a lot of my feelings from those close to me to try to protect them but here and to Rose I could open up and by doing so I received so much understanding and support for which I have been so thankful

    once again thank you for your good wishes they mean a lot

    Chris xxx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chris

    What an absolute blessing that the nodule on your lung is nothing to worry about. 

    Flipping cauliflowers - never did like them much!  But good news that the lymph nodes are clear.

    Keep walking on sunshine hunni - I'm sure the old confident you will run back like a good 'un pretty soon.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Chris

    Only just been able to catch up with your blog and what you are going through. Just wanted to wish you luck, and to remind you that there is so much that can be done. I'm living proof as I had multiple relapses in a very short time. I've done the little girl wanting to hide away bit, and the planning funeral, letters to family etc. Now trying to enjoy life and make the most of what i have as nobody knows what will be around the corner.

    Sounds as if you have good people around you. Just concentrate on them, as you know that the quality of a friendship really shows at times like this.

    Take care xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Cruton :)

    You have had a bit of a roller coaster ride!!

    I am so pleased it's all gone well!

    Sending big hugs xxxxxxxxxxx