My latest downloads

2 minute read time.

I’ve been busy downloading music today.   I usually wait until the site I use has an offer on and today was the day.

The first two albums in the basket were 60s albums that I was very keen to have.  “The Deram Anthology” by Timebox and “1st Floor” by The Floor.   I hadn’t heard either of these albums in years.   I expect a few people may have heard of Timebox.  Their hit “Beggin’” still gets played on the radio quite often.  However I’ll be surprised if any of you are familiar with The Floor.  They came from Denmark and when they released their first album they were described a cross between The Kinks and The Hollies.  Unfortunately their career never seemed to take off and I have no idea what happened to them, I don’t think there were any more albums.  If anyone knows differently please let me know!

The next purchase was from the list of recommendations I’ve been collecting.  Someone suggested I listened to some folk music and mentioned a duo called Chad and Jeremy.  I’d never heard of them.   I’ve been listening to samples of their songs and I wouldn’t call them folk.  However I don’t know what I would call them instead, probably pop I suppose.  However, as I said in a previous post, I don’t like genres.  So let’s just say I have discovered I like the music of Chad and Jeremy.  In fact I like it so much that I now have their entire back catalogue.  I adore their version of “If I Loved You” from Carousel. 

Next was “Rubber Soul” by The Beatles.  I had this on vinyl but I sold it a few years back and never got round to replacing it.  I can’t pick out a favourite Beatles album, but this one is near the top of the list along with “Abbey Road” and “Sergeant Pepper”.  It’s an album I know so well that I can always hear the next track in my head before it starts playing.  Good to have it back in the collection. 

Last in the basket was “Full Circle” by Rupert Holmes.  I know his music a bit, “Partners In Crime” is one of my favourite albums.  Fabulous lyrics especially “Escape (The Pina Colada Song)”.  However I’d never heard “Full Circle” until a friend recommended it.  Fantastic album, not a bad song on it. 

What I did want, but wasn’t available, was an album download by another recommendation, a singer songwriter called Louise Goffin.  She’s the daughter of Carole King and Gerry Goffin.  Fortunately I have managed to source a cheap second hand CD from America and that is now on the way.  If it’s any good I’ll tell you about it another day.
