Making Friends Through Music

2 minute read time.

One of the best things about my love of music is all the friends I have made through this shared interest.  I made a new friend earlier this year and I was telling them about my music blog.  My friend asked to be added to my mailing list and often sends comments about the entries.  Recently they asked very nicely if they could be in the blog.  I pointed out that they already had been, several posts back, when I mentioned they recommended some music for me.

They said they hadn’t recognised themselves.  I had to explain that I choose to retain some privacy for myself in my posts and I am even keener to protect the privacy of others who get a mention.  They understood and appreciated this but I could sense the disappointment.   

I do hate disappointing anyone so I had a ponder this morning on how I could write an entry about my new friend without giving away any personal details about them.  I racked my brains for a bit and then it clicked.  Silly me, the answer is there in the music. 

So let me tell you about my new friend.  We got chatting about music, which is my usual topic of conversation when I get talking to a stranger.  We discovered a mutual liking for female vocalists of the 60s.  I mentioned one lady who I particularly admire.  My friend hadn’t heard of her.  I passed over my MP3 player and played a track.  My friend fell in love with the voice.  I could sense their desperation to get hold of a copy of the song so I did something I rarely do.  I handed over my email address to someone I had only known for 10 minutes.  I said let me know if you can’t get hold of a copy and I’ll tell you where to get one from. 

I really should do this more often when I meet people as a lovely email arrived the next day and a good friend has since been made.  So today’s entry is dedicated to my new friend with thanks for all the new music they have introduced into my life.  I’m thinking of you now while I listen to the song which I played to you on the day we met.  I know it’s become one of your favourites, it’s one of mine too.   I know you will recognise yourself this time when I say I’m listening to “It’ll Never Be Over For Me” by Timi Yuro. 

