29/09/2013 - Finally! A Keyboard! and other things...

3 minute read time.

So I finally got a keyboard for my tablet. I've been finding it impossible to type on the one on screen. In the past I've only been able to update my blog at work which is a little risky considering how public that can be at times and now we're far too busy for me to be able to do it there.

I also miss being able to keep upto date with my friends on here, who I care and think about on a daily basis.

My mum is currently doing well. Last week she was admitted to hospital and was diagnosed as being anaemic. Her blood levels had been slowly dropping and her not eating led to another severe infection which spread all down the back of her throat and then she couldn't eat or drink anything.

When I got the text from my sister I immediately left work and biked it upto the hospital. WhenI found mum in the ward she looked yellow and her eyes kept rolling back into her head. I stayed until my dad and my sister got there. They gave her some painkillers and some saline and she started to look a little better. That's when they found she was anaemic. A couple of days later they had her in and gave her 2 units of blood. Around 2 hours later she was trying to eat a sandwich. She's been getting better ever since and they're now FINALLY talking about starting chemo.

I went round yesterday with my Nan and did the garden for her and she planted some new flowers and bulbs for her. Mum cried when she saw it she was so pleased. Then I cleaned the window and cut her toenails for her and did a few other bits and bobs. It was great being able to help and see my mum so much. It also meant that I got to spend time with my Nan and my sister which was great too. 

Dad wasn't there as he was at football but I get to see him every Friday now because we go to ASDA together. 

I've found a new hobby within my new bike. Turns out I actually really like it and went on a 10 mile bike ride to Haigh Hall the other day, which actually battered me, but when I got to the top I felt amazing. I felt like I'd achieved something after 10 years of sitting on my bum. My dad really likes biking too so now I've got something in common with him too. 

I'm feeling pretty positive right now. My mum is getting a little frustrated that her chemo hasn' t started yet and that nobody can really tell her anything about her condition because we wont know anything until the chemo starts. She'll be having it once a week for 18 weeks. She'll be having Herceptin.

We've finally had the 'Christmas' conversation that I was dreading having but it wasn't that bad actually. Turns out we've all been thinking the same thing anyway. That's for another blog, this one is getting long now!

My sister hasn't been to stay for a while either which I'm going to take as a good thing as it means things are ok at home. 

I'm enjoying work again and I haven't had a bad day for quite a while now. 

I didn't think I'd ever feel 'normal' again and I didn't ever think I'd have hope, but things are ok right now so I'm going to grab onto it with both hands and wrap it round myself like a blanket. I'm going to enjoy this whilst it lasts. 

