19/08/13 - Another Shitty Weekend, Another Close Call

2 minute read time.

So Saturday night I got a phonecall from my dad. My dad ringing me never results in anything good.

This had happened:

5mph more and he wouldn't have missed that tree. When the car rolled onto it's side it was about 3 foot away from it. You can see just from the tyre tracks alone how lucky he was. He thinks he had a blow out on one of his tyres and before he could say anything to his mate sat next to him, they were already heading for the hedge. They ducked and the car flipped onto it's side and somehow facing the wrong direction. They couldn't get out but luckily some neighbours from a nearby house came out and helped them out. The only injury my dad recieved was a cut to his little finger when he was climbing out of the car. He got home safe eventually.

My mum has radiotherapy today and tomorrow in the morning so the car being written off has come at a really bad time. They aren't covered for a courtesy car under their insurance so my Grandad has paid for them to use a hire car until they can get another one. God knows how they're going to pay for that.

There are so many things swimming round my head now I don't know where to start. Why do these things keep happening to us? Who's next? How much more can my dad take?

I can't believe how lucky he was. I can't stop thinking about it. Everytime I look at that photo I feel sick. I feel so bad for my dad. The thought of him being stuck in that car. The thought of that hedge coming towards him. I don't know how much more he can take. I don't know how much more any of us can take.

My Grandma was back in hospital over the weekend too, her pacemaker was playing silly buggers again.

I saw dad on Sunday night when he came to pick my sister up from our house, and he just seemed so tired and fed up. My mum is getting really down now aswell.

I'm so tired. Work is going to be hell today.

How am I supposed to engage in conversation and serve people on the counter when I feel like this? I'm already alienating myself from everybody and shit like this just sucks me back into my shell. I'm annoyed also, because I put a tweet on Twitter about my dad's accident and not a single person has asked how he is or whether he's ok. I know how pathetic that sounds, I'm well aware, but it's how I feel. We're constantly been told about these sites keeping us in touch with people but they don't really do they?

I'm ok, I'm just worried about my family. And I'm a little bit angry.

  • FormerMember

    Big Big Hugs.  Please remember that this site is nothing like Twitter.  You are in a wonderful place where people care and we all try help each other out.  You are not alone.  xx