07th August - The Sun Comes Out Again

2 minute read time.

Phewf, what a difficult last few days it's been.

Before saying anything else I want to thank all the people (in particularly Margaret) who have left lovely messages for me to read when I log back on. Just knowing people are out there, and there are people that care is enough to keep me going day after day. I can't say it enough, but one more time wont do any harm; thank you.

So, my last blog post left with my Grandma going into hospital, my impending smear test and our flat being sold. Here's where we're upto:

I just got a text from my dad saying that Grandma has just got home. She's had her pacemaker fitted and she's in no pain and no discomfort at all. I had no idea what a common procedure it was until I read about it on the NHS website! She's as strong as an ox my Grandma, and I'm so proud of her. She's been struggling to recover properly from the stroke she had a few months ago, and the angina explains why, so hopefully now that we've got her ticker working properly again she'll be zipping around in no time! I feel sorry for my Grandad already, he's in for it! I'm going seeing her tonight after work and I can't wait :)

My smear test was an absolute doddle. I feel a bit embarrassed now for making such a fuss, but having the coil fitted made me terrified of anything to do with that 'area'. It wasn't like that at all. The nurse, as expected was lovely and very reassuring. Like she said, the worst bit is getting your undies off ;) it took less than 10 seconds and I'll get my results in two weeks :)

Last night we had someone round to view the flat who is thinking of buying it. She doesn't want to live there herself and would rather not have to deal with moving tenants around so there is a possibility she may keep us on. If not, we have a plan! We've been looking for places to rent and there are plenty in our area for less than what we're paying now actually. We've figured out a really clever way of sorting out the financial side of things too so that's another weight lifted off our shoulders. We are even now considering moving regardless. We want a house with a garden!

I have a terrible habit when I'm blogging of posting ominous one liners that end up making people worry about me, and I do apologise for that. Next time I shall refrain or write it down on a bit of paper or something, because chances are, 24 hours after writing it, I wont feel the same. Which I don't. I feel much better lately :)

Sometimes, just like everybody, I have days where I feel like my whole world is going to collapse. The other day was one of those days. I have coping methods though, like blogging, baths, painting, reading, ilstening to music etc so I try not to let it consume me.

Things are looking up. We've still got a huge journey ahead, mum starts chemo soon and things are only going to get harder, but we're prepared.

Bring it on.
