05th August - And there's the third one.

1 minute read time.

So after getting back from visiting my Grandma last night I was informed by my boyfriend the minute I walked through the door that the flat we live in is now being sold. We have no money, and somehow need cash for a new deposit and first months rent for wherever we end up living so it's time for Mr Credit Card I'm afraid. We have no choice. I don't know where to live. I'm scared.

My Grandma is having her pacemaker fitted today and I'm having my first ever smear test. Today is shit.

I'm praying my Grandma gets through this operation. Im going to go and visit her tonight providing she gets through it ok.

Don't know how much more I can handle. I know alot of you have got so much more on your plates, and that's why I feel like a complete moron when I moan like this. I feel like I should be counting my blessings, which don't get me wrong, on my good days I do. It's just at the moment, I'm fed up of being grateful for the small things. I'm fed up of trying to get through the day. I'm fed up of having to come into work and pretend that everything is fine when it isnt.

  • FormerMember

    Dear BlueHaze.  Big Hugs.  You are more than entitled to moan, and I think at the moment you have a lot more on your plate than many people.  Please give the Macmillan Support Line a call.  They may be able to give you some practical financial advice, and more importantly there will be someone there who you can talk to.  Do give them a call.  xx