EC Round 3 - the doldrums

1 minute read time.

When I first started chemo, a doctor described it as standing at the top of the stairs and being knocked down. Each time you climb back up, only to be knocked down again. But each time it’s a bit harder and you don’t get quite so far up the staircase before you are knocked down again 

I am now on day 8 of cycle 3, and it does feel as if it’s been a bit harder this time around. The sleeplessness from the steroids was a bit worse; 3 nights of being awake from 2am, eventually getting up at 4, going back to bed at 5, but not sleeping again until 6. The gut problems have been worse - I don’t think I have had a normal motion since the chemo went in. On Sunday I sent my other half to buy some Lactulose as I had so much pain with wind, but couldn’t get anything out. Of course that took me too far the other way, with obvious consequences. This is the first time I have found I needed to return to bed after breakfast on each of days 5, 6, 7, 8. Exercise has been a distant memory (other than the Aqua class I managed on day 2), largely because I have been afraid to be too far away from a loo. The lack of taste has been worse than last cycle, even plain water tastes unpleasant. Everything needs to be spiced, or herby, or on certain fruit spectrums, or a little sweeter or saltier than would be my usual taste.

I do feel I am now starting to turn the corner. We managed lunch in a cafe yesterday. I managed to drive to a meeting this afternoon. I guess Immodium and possibly Lactulose need to be my friends for the rest of the cycle, but past experience says I will get through this. And only 1 more EC to go before I switch to Paclitaxel. At least the bone marrow stimulation pain hasn’t been too bad this cycle. 

  • Thank you. This cycle has been slightly odd. Felt worse than usual through days 5-8 or thereabouts and then other than not fully regaining my taste until about day 12, felt utterly and completely normal for the rest of the cycle. I will take that! Just had my 3-weekly onco review, all cleared (subject to bloods) for the final round of EC on Wednesday. 

  • Thanks for this, I had my first immunotherapy and chemotherapy this week. I’ve been waking up super early, between 3-5 am and feeling too wide awake to roll over, have to get up and out of bed. Wondering if this could be related to the steroids?