The day after tomorrow

1 minute read time.

 Last Thursday was my first round of chemotherapy for locally advanced prostate cancer. The appointment took over 5 hours, but the nurses were very good. It was good to be treated by male nurses. When the drugs were applied, I felt some tightness in my chest but overall, the application of Chemo went well. In the evening I felt some fatigue and ate lots of chocolates but there were no other side effects. The next the day I woke up with a headache so drank lots of water. Friends and work colleagues have been supportive via WhatsApp and my partner has been the best support of all. It was particularly helpful to have my partner with me at the first Chemo infusion as I was bombarded with medical information on the cancer ward. The biggest surprise on the day was finding out I had to inject myself in my stomach for seven days to stimulate the white blood cells. This was a bit of a shock as I had no warning of this. As for the side effects So far so good but I am preparing for the worst in the next few days. I also know future cycles of Chemo will be worse than my first. Next challenge will be getting a fitness to work (FIT) note to cover my sick leave and to book a blood test at the GP surgery for the for the next round of chemo. Such fun!

  • All the best with your treatment. I hated the stomach infections- they made me quite ill. It used to feel as if something was pushing its way through my bones. Thankfully my white blood cells were not affected, so my consultant cut the injections down to 3 days. I used to feel pretty ill on days 3-7 and then gradually got better till I was nearly back to normal by day 15 and the final week of the 3-week cycle was fine. Each cycle it got more intense though but I recovered more quickly. I also lost my hair. 
    Re- the dentist, mine wouldn’t give me any treatment till after 6 months post-chemo. Then insisted on speaking to my Consultant before she would allow me to have hygiene treatment- not even a filling. So do check before booking.
