Bumps n lumps

1 minute read time.

Hi I had major surgery in 2009 for a benign tumour close to my spine in cervical region... (my hubby knows the exact bits) .......anyway after a lot of back n to,it was decided that it was a soft tissue tumour ...fast forward to 2012 and more surgery as metal rods used in previous op had broken so a metal plate was inserted in front of neck.... Metal mickey comes to mind.... 

I had regular mri and xrays until 2020,when between myself my hubby and my consultant that I could choose to go every year or to discharge myself,I chose the latter...

Fast forward to  last year and I noticed a bump behind My ear,I had a journey with my mum with dementia and getting her into a nice home and then decided to go to my gp.... mri and trip to Birmingham (95miles away) I was told I have 2 tumours 5cm and 6cm,....another trip down over a week ago for biopsy under ct.....

I was told 10-14 days for results I am so so anxious and scared,and I think the mdt meeting is on Monday and I presume then I will be given my results,I really can't stop thinking 'worse case scenario'..... I felt fine before this,but now I feel the lumps are bigger,I have tinnitus really bad and I can't stop my brain overthinking....I just want to know and hopefully get this sorted...

Any help and coping methods would be greatly appreciated  xxxxx 
