and now we dance..

1 minute read time.

 hi folks,

   well had my first chemo, and not a pleasant time of it there at 11 there was an emergency on the ward, my chemo wasn't ready and sat until 13.30.

  great start, half way through wanted to pee (sorry) and went dancing down the ward with my non to willing partner who i shall now call left footed sandra the chemo stand. got tangled on the way to the toilet, did the urgent twostep in a cubicle that isn't designed for a large trucker and a stand, and finally made it back to my seat.

   then the catering arrived, sandwiches  mmmmmm not can't eat bread.anyroad up finally relaesed back into general population, and experienced for the first time since i was 6 car sickness, least thats what it felt like. decided to take the prescribed anti sickness tab with my painkillers, glass of water gulp gulp and threw up with the feeling of my throat on fire, yes forgot rule no 2 no cold drinks for at least 3-4 days.

  so tired, sick, strangly hungry and with more aches and pains than i deserve i'm calling it a day and going to bed, hopefully tommorrow will be better, and to all you guys gone through this you have my upmost envy if it went all right.

   as always stay happy positive and love those around you. joe xx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe,

    Grrrr like the fighting talk.. and you've still got the humour in there somewhere- phew! And I bet you did bust some moves!

    off to have a look at Ruby right now...

    , and get in touch with the hospital...!!! If Bev doesn't, I will! I was told to get in touch if I was sick more than you certainly should!! They can give you stuff to stop it, so I will be checking that you have seen them later on!!!!

    That's you told :o)

    They told me you don't get prizes for being a martyr here when I ummed and ahhed about the morphine they were touting that day... and it was good advice... so listen to Auntie My and get down there and don't leave you are sorted!

    Big hug (and tell Sandra not to run Cariad over next time eh?)

    Little My xxx