What to do

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so, after 6 months of nagging the royal marsden finally referred me to st barts, i had my consultation and they are willing to treat me using IPO chemo

trouble is this only has at most a 20% CR rate, which is i must admit more than i have at the mo, 

they willing to start treatment in a weeks time, which is very fast, and slightly annoying that the RM have toyed with me for. 6 months,


so do i try it knowing it may mean no quality end of life.

  • FormerMember

    No one can say bud what you should do. Its how you feel about it. But is 20% chance better than no chance. If it were me facing it, I would go for it. And give it all I had. But that is just my feelings. It's the old adage of quality of quantity. Only you can make that decision. It's a tough one, you will have to dig deep into your soul for an answer. Sending you lots of strength xxx