Waiting game and fantasies

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Well its been over two week since i was given hope again that i can achieve an NED status, but this time unlike other times i have heard no word from the surgeon, which in my past experiance is very rare and a tad concerning, as usually i would of had an outpatient appointment, discussec the op and set a date, not this time.

does this mean that its been decidec that its not worth operating on ky tiny tumor?,

in the last three years since diagnosis time has frozen for my wife and I while the world moves on, nephews and nieces have been born and look quite grown up , no such future for my wife and I as we been advised against IVF due to stress.

sometimes i fantasies about going back to work and look to see how people are doing, even tne people i trained are now flying high and if i ever went back i be there juniors.

but soon i must return back to reality and back to the cold hard fact that my disease is not as hopec curable, but very much incurable
