How can I love my cancer

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How can I love my cancer when all I want is for it to go away.

I returned today from a week abroad to find a dear friend same age same condition passed away he was a fantastic guy and I will miss his emails.

Four and a half years of living with a terminal illness and yet not feeling ill except when I took their treatment.

I had to learn quickly how to accept the side effects and condition my mind and body to take control.

Now I am taking a break from the drugs I worry about the cancer becoming aggressive again.

We all have bad days and that is why we need friends like you all to share the burden of our cancers and our sense of loss when someone dear leaves us.

Thanks for listening


  • FormerMember

    Hi Keith,

    My deepest sympathy at you sad loss. My advice to you is dont try and come of any drugs that your Drs prescribed on less its on his say so. To do so you would be taking a big chance you need not take.

    If you feel that strongly about taking them have a chat and see what he/she says. Good Luck.

    Take Care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for your comments I do appreciate them and need them to make me consider all options. Sarsfield I know its a risk but it is one that is an option some oncologists agree to as they cannot confirm if the drugs they give me extend my life at all!!! I will go back on the drugs when I have the slightest indication my cancer is attacking my bones or other organs. In this drug free time I am having some quality of life time to do my research and give my four kids a fully functional dad for a while.

    many thanks


  • Unless the drugs are making you feel really ill, then why not take 'the belt and braces' route? I'm taking a drug which makes me feel yuk... but not enough to bail out of treatment.

    As Sarfield says, take advice before you give up on any treatment which might help.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Hi KateG thanks for your comments, they are helpful, you and I know the drugs are 'orrible' and they affect the way I function hour by hour but now I am the same guy from morning to night and my quality of life is great EXCEPT for that fear of making the wrong decision or going back on the treatment too late. They know my cancer will come back but not when 2-5 years is usual. Sorry to offload my burden but it helps to share my problem with a group of people who might just understand because some of you may have made a similar decision i.e. survivors not consultants.

    kindest regards
