The beginning

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Went to GP 10 th nov  with a horse voice on the 18th November ENT consultant 1st December on the operating table. 15 Jan consultation yep it’s a Carcinoma.

Oh Joy. On the up side he says it’s very small caugh early it’s not in any lymph nodes.

They could remove it via surgery  but they would have damaged my vocal cords  so the treatment is radiotherapy 55 Gy over 20 days weekends off for good behaviour. Very kind  I’ve been told all sorts about the effects from nursing staff, radiographs, technicians, so I’m off to my GP for a chat  

I’m still waiting had my mask fitted a week ago today 02 February and another CT scan which they tell me shows .- Left. Reaching the anterior commissure. Radiological T1b N0 M0   

So if Radiology keep there word treatment should start on the W/C 19 Feb. The waiting is worst than diagnosis it’s the unknown I suppose,

I’ll be back when treatment starts 
