WED 19/10/16

2 minute read time.

Wed 19 / 10 / 16 is S's second kimo treatment . Was hoping it would go through without incident..unlike the first one a few weeks ago . 
About an hour after the canula was inserted by the nurse and the kimo started going through S's arm and into her body , I notice a redness on S's kimo arm . S left her seat and took her kimo stand with her on the way to the toilets to use the facilities . A nurse commented on the redness when she saw it as S was leaving the tratment room . S was told to go and use the toilet quickely and rush back as the discolouration had to be investigated . 
S came back and it was assessed that the canula was either not placed correctly or it had moved......AND THE KIMO MEDS WERE ACTUALLY GOING INTO S's ARM AND NOT HER VEINS.............AND SO WAS COOKING HER ARM FROM THE INSIDE. 
Some of the nurses had not seen this before and so it ended up being on-the-job training . 
S had EIGHT injections into the wrist / hand area and the area was ringed with a thick black felt tip pen . Then a hot compress was placed on the area .
An hour after all this started a sister came to S and she placed a new canula in S's other hand to continue the kimo therapy....albeit an hour later.
They then wanted S to come back the following day ( not offering to keep her in overnight due to the kimo , a poison , going into her body where it should not have ) so the doctor could assess any damage . S told them she was not coming back unless transport was to be organized for her . FECK ME .............she couldn't have transport because she HAD NOT used the patient transport system before and she would have to register herself for it . 
So , a nurse came back , placed Hydrocortisone Cream 4 times a day over the injected wrist / hand area and told S that they knew she was not stupid and had trained as a nurse so she was to medicate herself and contact the hospital if changes occurred to the injected area eg. blisters , further redness , etc . 
And with that promise , the kimo session ended .
We went home via a friend's transport and once in we coped we gallows humour. 
The following day , after using the Hydrocortisone Cream at set and spaced times , S telphoned the hospital ....eventually.............since they gave her the WRONG fecking telephone number to call tell them at all was ok with the H/cream area overnight and that there was no change to the skin re. blisters , etc. 
We have November's kimo date but not December's.
Wonder WTF will go wrong in November .............

  • Hi Manuel. I came across your blog while flicking through the guest posts. My heart goes out to you - you sound so much like my husband. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2015 and have just completed treatment - a very long 17 months with one period of great unwellness, which included 2 weeks in ICU. But this isn't really about me, more about my husband. 

    Like you he was angry so angry when I was diagnosed - he managed to wreck a step ladder and the vacuum cleaner as well as cracking the granite (!) bench in the kitchen and putting many pock marks in the wood floor. I was upset at the time but now realise it was just his way of getting his emotions out. He has also talked about feeling helpless and useless - being confronted with something he can't fix. At the time I was very unwell he was given a lot of grief at work about taking so much time off - all that when combined with worrying about me made his fuse very short. 

    He has been a wonderful support to me and definitely made my journey easier. So rest assured, your partner needs you even if she doesn't say so often enough (I know I didn't - cancer makes one very self-centred). Be with her, love her, and do what you can for her. It will be appreciated. 

    I hope this doesn't sound too patronising. I just wanted to offer you my support and to let you know that you aren't Robinson Crusoe. Many partners have very similar feelings to you. 

    Wishing you and your partner all the very best.

    Lynn xx