Day 12 - Big fat zero!

1 minute read time.

So got told this morning my immune system levels are a big fat zero! Well this is the best I've felt all week and that's good considering every cell in my body seems to be dying. 

Got it tough with the nausea again yesterday, had extra injections and tablets and finally settled down in the evening. Woke up this morning to severe abdominal pains, felt like someone was lighting a fire inside me, took paracetamol and it settled down so managed to get a shower although I couldn't stomach any breakfast. After my tablets I vomited (this is a daily occurrence now) and afterwards my mouth started burning, I can feel where the skin is starting to disappear in my mouth, it's that feeling when you burn your mouth on really hot food. But thanks to the mouthwashes and the ole faithful paracetamol it's not too bad (yet!) 

So after that eventful morning I actually came round and have felt good!

Darragh (the hubby) commented this evening saying 'you've spent weeks in hospital and weeks still to go and you look happy' I said yeah of course I'm happy, I can watch tv and talk to you without struggling to stay awake or praying that someone takes this nausea away

We take so much for granted, we should all just appreciate being normal, I, for one am enjoying it, 2 hours to love island! 

  • Hi Stacey8892, I have been following your blog with interest and reliving my two SCT journeys (19 months and three years ago) I did struggle with the eating thing the docs expect you to do, I found it so inconsiderate ;-) but I did persevere as I did not won't a tube down my nose. I lived on porridge, soup and ambrosia custard for weeks. You take care and keep strong. 

  • Hi, try build up type drinks with added, whisked in ice cream which will hopefully go down easily and stay down! Daughter found that the best when she felt at her worst (check my profile for info)

    Hugs xxx

  • FormerMember

    Sounds so rough Stacey. Such respect for your positivity and seriously appreciating normality right now! I hope the next while is much kinder to you!

    Take care

    Siobhan x