I never expected that

  • Great news for me yesterday: my CT scan was all clear.


    The CT scan was on Monday so I was amazed to receive the result so quickly. I was at work when the good news came through and I was all teary and emotional. Fortunately they know me and were happy for me too.

    Although on one level I was expecting everything to be OK, on another I had been getting a bit anxious. The tears were of relief and also an acknowledgement of what a tough time it’s been. As this was the first…

  • Colonoscopy clear


    I'm happy to say today's colonoscopy was all clear and there is nothing to worry about. It wasn't a particularly pleasant experience - I had a dehydration headache before going in (and it was all running late of course), then was sick from the pethidine - but it was great to get it all over and done with without need for follow up.

    In case anyone who is facing similar is wondering, I opted not to have the…

  • Colonoscopy on Wednesday


    I've gone through a mix of emotions since fixing the appointment for my colonoscopy the other day. Not looking forward to the day before - fasting and Klean Prep (to clear out the bowel - advice to stay near a loo), and not looking forward to the investigation itself (going through the stoma will be weird but probably less uncomfortable than the scope through the rectum last year).

    It is a reminder of how life was…

  • It's all coming together


    First wave of second hand books have been delivered to the Hall, the pile of cakes is stacking up nicely (lemon drizzlex3, coffee and walnut, carrot cake, gluten free chocolate brownies, pain au chocolat all at this house and more cakes known to be at the neighbours and on their way), flowers for the tables have been collected, balloons and bunting are in the car. It's going to be one hell of a coffee morning!


  • Chemo finished!


    Happy day! I took the final Capecitibine tablets this morning and I am now a drug-free zone! Cakes at work and cards and flowers at home.

    I have an oncology review on Friday and I think I'll be booked in for a scan or two - but this marks a new phase: checking up on me instead of treating me. Just over one year since diagnosis and just under one year since treatment started.

    Thank you everyone for your support and…