Our journey from the start

  • On Hold


    It is a week today since J had his CT scan to find out if there is anything untoward causing the pain in his diaphragm. He has been told to ring the consultant this afternoon for results. I’m not particularly thrilled with the results over the phone plan but cest la vie. We must know now. The waiting and not being able to plan, even a week ahead, is really hard. For the past week I’ve been bracing myself every time J…

  • Scan day


    J has gone off for his CT scan today to see if they can identify what is causing the pain in his diaphragm. I haven't gone with him as I don't think he'll get any results today and time off might be needed more in the future. I've got my knickers in a knot about the mode of results delivery as J hasn't been given an appointment time to see the consultant. I like to know what' to expect. Scan then results appointment in…

  • In the midst of a scare


    Oh the middle of the scare, it's like the eye of the storm. Very quiet, just me and him, clinging onto a bit of normality whilst we can, whilst all around, storms of thoughts and what ifs rage around us.

    J's heartburn type pain hasn't gone and his consultant is ordering a CT scan. J thinks he can feel something in his chest. He had me feel it yesterday. I thought i could feel something too, and it wasn't small. I…

  • The third three month check up and a bit of a scare


    Hey up,

    Well it's been a good summer here. We took the holiday that we'd had to cancel last year and had an amazing time in the beautiful sunshine. J also had loads of holidays to take off work after accruing them when he was ill last year, so lots of fun was had with the boys.

    Today we have been for his third three month check up. Up until a couple of days ago I had no concerns about it. He looks fine and has…

  • The second 3 month check up


    Wow, so J has been in remission for 6 months. This is amazing news. His check up last week went well. His bloods are good, and the consultant said "everything looks positive". I find it a bit disconcerting that they don't scan him, or feel around lumps; they just use the blood tests, which were always in the normal zone anyway. But, we happily accept it. When we get in there we just seem to want to get out as soon as…