littlestar's blog

  • it's going to be a hectic three weeks

    I haven't been on this site for a while so i am now back with lots to talk about. so where do i start. well i have started my radiotherapy now. Got my third session this afternoon. I was not nervous or worried about it. My only concern is getting tired because of the driving. I get caught up in rush hour traffic on the way home and also in the weather that we are having a the moment ( not that i am moaning because i love…
  • waiting for radiotherapy

    Well i went last week for the follow up from my 2nd op and my specialist told me they are glad they did the 2nd op as there was still a little bit of the nasty tumour left but that has been taken out and as far as i'm aware it has all gone now. so that was great to here and now i can start my radiotherapy. Have my planning day next wednesday which i am nervous about as not sure what i am going to have to go through but…
  • hot sweats

    Just wondering if anyone else is or has suffered from this. I have had my chemo and op now waiting to have radiotherapy. this past week i have been getting really hot a few times during the day then at night it seems to be worse. I have to have the window open then close because i get cold, i have to chuck the duvet of then pull it back on, its a nightmare, and i am not sleeping very well either. I am only 25 and i am…
  • feeling nervous

    mixed emotions really. I am really pleased at how my wound had healed up, and i dont think the scar is going to look bad at all. Also my arm is alot better and can do things i found hard before so it is improving. Also my hair is really coming along now and i can see my eyelashes are also getting longer, and eyebrows are much improved and stopped falling out now. So they are the good bits, the reason i feel nervous is…
  • a good hair day

    i just had to share this piece of news with you all. My hair is now growing back quite well and for the first time in 5months i actually washed my hair with baby shampoo. ok i know that my hair is still very very very short but it does cover my whole head now. i just sat in the bath and my boyfriend sat with me and it was a lovely feeling of getting back to normal. still have a way to go yet as still need to do my radiotherapy…