Cella's blog

  • Chemo not working

    Well...my chemo is not working. After cycle 5 and an elevation of my Ca125 to 95, it is not working. So yesterday I attempted another Cat scan and could only do the IV part. I couldn't even think to put that stuff to my lips. The test isn't as accurate but we shall see what comes of it. Tomorrow I go for another lung tap...the doc found my liver lower from the weight of the fluid. Can you believe how strong the…
  • Who dropped the pennies in my penne?

    I have been dying (okay, maybe, maybe not) for a nice small bowl of pasta. Nothing major mind you, just a small 3-4 inch bowl of penne with red sauce and a meatball or two if I could stuff it in. Since I can't shop for myself I made a small list for honey to get at the food store. I did ask for meatloaf mix x2 pkgs (pork, veal, beef) to make the meatballs. What I recieved were two packages of powered meatloaf mix…
  • I'm upright and typing...

    Sometimes it seems like the agony is never going to be over. One new thing after another for me to the point that the unexpected is the norm. But what it has done is make me hypervigilent about my body and any new 'symptom' makes me like a deer in the headlights. Last week after chemo #5 I thought I was having a reaction and went right to the hospital...boom. The docs are still not sure what happened but I feel pretty…
  • Another go 'round...

    Had another thoracentesis (# 11) and a cat scan this week. A day in the life of an ovarian cancer patient. At least this thora went for two weeks without needing one sooner, so it is a wee bit better. I didn't have to drink that chalky white contrast goop...they have it in Crystal lite flavors of either iced tes or raspberry, both very sweet I'm afraid, but not so filling and bloating. I am riding a smooth sea right…
  • Feeling sad

    Third round of chemo is over and last night was rough...woke up with a headache and feeling quite alot of nausea...awful. I took meds and feel better now. My breathing is pretty good, kinda. Had my weekly thoracentesis. They hurt. Honey isn't coping very well and I am seeing things more clearly these days that I haven't been wanting to see before. And I am sad about it. I don't think we are going to be together…