not waving but drowning

  • jolly holidays


    This is the first time I've blogged: I've hummed & hawed about it for days and hope it will be useful to me or even better to somebody else...

    My (absolutely gorgeous) 3rd husband retired in 2008 and started voluntary work with the National Trust as well as doing masses of long-distance walking, a favourite hobby. He and I had been together since 2005, both veterans of 2 failed marriages each, both with 3…

  • yes, everything's fine, thanks


    Back to school today (I'm a teaching assisitant working with primary age children). Usually I would be complaining about the end of the holidays but reading blogs & comments on here I'm VERY aware that I'm lucky, lucky, lucky to be healthy and able to go to work. Hideous cancer puts everything else into perspective.

    J had a day off from caring for his dad yesterday (Sunday) so he relaxed by working like…

  • so that's all right then


    Dad-in-law had his scan. It took J and his sister some considerable time to get d-i-l out of his house in a wheelchair and transport him to the hospital but it was done.

    Big surprise: they couldn't find any trace of cancer in his abdomen (not counting the prostate cancer they knew was there)! So that's all right then. He's lost stones in weight and can't walk or support himself upright, doesn't eat, has panic attacks…

  • wtf


    This week dad-in-law has had his 'pregnancy' scan, a chest x-ray, been fitted for new hearing aids, and was to have an endoscopy today at hospital. When his daughter, the ex-nurse, took him today to see The Specialist, he wanted dad-in-law admitted. Absolutely not, says ex-nurse, so they did a CT scan and goodness knows what other tests throughout the day instead.

    The Specialist now pronounces that d-i-l hasn…

  • waiting on the sidelines


    I've lost count now of the number of weeks we've all been waiting for a REAl diagnosis for dad-in-law. He's had test after test after test: but still no actual treatment. Maybe at 97 there isn't any.

    He still won't eat more than the tiniest quantities. He's lost so much weight, he looks like someone from a concentration camp. It really is pitiful to see. He is terribly weak and can't get out of his chair…