Saying hello

  • 15 replies
  • 29 subscribers

I’ve never used a forum so this is a quick hello to see if I’m doing it right.  I have put details on my profile. I’ve read posts since June and have found them very helpful so thank you everyone.  I kept thinking, I’ll wait until I know this or that before I post anything. I now realise I’ll always be waiting for something…..

i have vulval cancer, AIN3 and CIN3.  Had WLE and other stuff done on Monday, got home Weds.  Doing ok.

That’s it for now. 

  • Thanks you SarahH21 and Esmeralda2, I'll keep you both updated Heart

  • Hi SarahH21, 

    I went to my appointment Friday 6th Sept. 

    Unfortunately I have had to have more biopsies taken, I've already been told if it's anything higher than VIN1 I'm having more surgery, I'm gutted and absolutely terrified of how much more they'll take if I do have to have more surgery! They said my results will be back in 3 to 4 weeks and they want to see me back in clinic then!! 

  • Hi again  

    Gosh, I’m really sorry to read you could potentially need further surgery after what you’ve already been through-no wonder you’re scared! 

    It’s a horrible wait for your clinic appointment but I really hope that there’s nothing more serious from the biopsy results this time. Would you have any non surgical treatment if it’s VIN1? 

    Sarah xx

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    Cervical Cancer Forum

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  • Hi there. I’m so sorry to hear you’re having more biopsies. The waiting is so difficult isn’t it. I hope you have ways of coping with that. It’s good that you have joined this community. Thinking of you. 

  • Hi Nicbo72

    I am so sorry to read that you needed further biopsies taken and the possibility of a further operation.  Waiting for the results is a nightmare.  I am thinking of you and sending love.  I know how I would feel if I had to have another operation.  Please keep in touch. xx