Second week using Aldara cream

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  • 24 subscribers

Morning everyone, I have 3 bcc's on my scalp, one of which is about 5cm and on my hairline above my right eye..

I am only into my second week of using Aldara cream but I am feeling quite unwell...aching, flu like symptoms and the large bcc is very painful and 'weepy'...

Is this quite 'normal' and will the symptoms improve the longer I use the cream? 

I realise we're all different but advice would be really appreciated. 

Thank you.. Linda x

  • Hi everyone, thought I would give you an update... I used the Aldara cream for 6 weeks and it eventually did improve the size of the lesions.

    I have been back to see the Dermatologist and have now started another course of Aldara cream on the 2 smaller lesions but the larger one needs a surgical excision..It will be with a plastic surgeon or maxillofacial surgeon.

    I am now waiting for the appointment.. Im wondering if it will need a skin graft and as it's right on my hairline and knowing there has to be a clear margin, I am very apprehensive..Linda

  • Hi Linda, 

    Sorry you're going through all this. I had quite a large bcc (5cm x 3 cm) excised from my forehead last week, with a skin graft, taken from my shoulder. It wasnt quite on my hairline, but was right in the middle of my forehead. It was done by a plastic surgeon, who was brilliant (I was quite nervous, never been in hospital before). He took a 4mm margin around the bcc, then a skin graft, and then I had a dressing sewn in to my head to secure the graft.

    I had the dressing taken off yesterday (1 week later) and although I didn't see the wound, my husband says it looks amazingly good considering it's only been a week. My shoulder where they took the graft from has healed almost completely, just bruised now. 

    I didn't feel great for the first week, but I feel so much more positive now, the progress has been so good. 

    I hope you are seen quickly now, the waiting is hard. If you have any other questions I can help with please let me know. 

    Good luck

    Sarah x

  • Hi Sarah, thank you so much for posting.   You have made me feel a lot better..

    I did start another thread as I could be months waiting for the surgery, so I'm hoping I may be able to go somewhere else.

    Was your surgery done with just local anaesthetic? I think I may need a skin graft too and was worrying about that.

    May I ask you which part of the country you are from... just wondering who your consultant is... I'm from Lincolnshire and the plastic surgeon only does a clinic one day a month, hence the long waiting list..

    Take care, Linda x

  • Hi Linda, 

    Blush glad to help if I can.

    I'm in South Wales, so quite a distance away from you I'm afraid. I can't fault the NHS here. I had my op in Swansea and they were all fantastic, I feel very lucky. I really hope you don't have to wait too long.

    I had local anaesthetic, and yes the injections sting but only for a couple of minutes, then nothing. If you feel anything tell them and they will give you more. I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain!

    I had a bit of a headache (which paracetamol kept at bay) and was a bit shaky for a couple of days, but nothing like I thought it would be.

    The only thing for me was that I didn't think I would be bothered about how I look as much as I am, but I have a good collection of hairbands now, I just look like I'm on my way to a springsteen gig all the time!!

    Sending all good wishes, fingers crossed for a quick appointment. Let me know how you get on. 

    Sarah x