Fatigue and nausea non hodgkin lymphoma

  • 11 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi, I'm new to the forum.

I was diagnosed with stage 3 B low grade B cell lymphoma with extensive tumour burden in May this year. I completed 5 of the 6 chemotherapy/immunotherapy sessions but didn't complete the 6th because I developed cellulitis on my abdomen and the consultant didn't want it to worsten. 

After my last chemo,  I've been suffering with debilitating fatigue and nausea, despite taking anti emetics.

My fear is that I'll be stuck with this, and I wanted to know whether anyone else has suffered with this, and if so, whether it got better with time.

My youngest daughter is getting married on the 18th November and I'm afraid I won't cope on her big day.

Any advice, or just a friendly hello, appreciated.

  • Hi  yes that is me at our youngest daughters wedding.

    Accepting the ‘New Normal’ is a very important part of taking control of how you move forward with life and not letting the journey we have been on define us…… we define how we live.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

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