It just never gets better, does it?

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No hope at all. I have felt this way for a year now and for me, it just gets worse as time goes past. I have had a 5cm tumor, diagnosed as low grade RCC last November, 2023. I am still carrying it around as I have had problems with my "good" kidney having kidney stones. I feel like I am going to die of this the longer it stays there and it has already been a year. My mind is shot. I have been under constant stress for almost a year and images of dying are all I am left with. I just passed over 50 kidney stones over the last 3 weeks and am waiting for a CT scan this Friday to see if I need an operation to remove any remaining before I am finally cleared to remove my left kidney. It has become concerning for me because my doctor, when I was first diagnosed, said I was stage 1 because of the 5cm size and it being contained within the kidney. However, an MRi provided a closer look that the CT scan did not and it showed my tumor was invading the renal pelvis and it suggested that may change the stage to 3 and yet, I still wait.....