Side effects of radiotherapy

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My mum was diagnosed with tonsil cancer stage two in January and she had 34 radiotherapy and a little byt of chemotherapy. Her last radiotherapy was 1 st of May.She is at home now.She see regularly doctors and nurse is coming to her house.She is having a bad side effects of radiotherapy.She has tube in her stomach but she try to eat and she can't because of the pain.When she has one or two spoons of something she feels nausea.She still have no taste or smell.She also feel full all the time(she is 48 kg and her feed is 1750 calories).Doctor said that is all in her head and she should eat.Do anybody experience something like this before?

Her mouth are very dry and I know that this is normal but how long it will take to feel the dryness?She has diffrent products for rinsing her mouth but could someone recommend something worth to try please?

And  she sometime has spots in her mouth.Doctor said it is all side effects but does anybody experience something like this?

She feels like she is taking 5 steps forward and 4 steps backwards all the time.She is so mentally tired.Are all these symptoms normal?I know that everybody is diffrent but I promised her to ask people here who went through the same hell.

  • Hi Joanna

    I was still in pain when I was eating at 8 weeks post treatment so your mother is not imagining it.  I still have discomfort now almost 5 months post treatment and have to watch what I eat as spices are a no at the moment.  I do find pasta with lots of creamy sauce good.  Fish also worked well in the early stages.  In the UK I found supermarket ready meals easier to eat then freshly prepared food - everything was chopped much finer and so easier on the throat.  At this stage just eating rather than enjoying food is essential.  It will get better.

    For a dry mouth I find warm milky tea or coffee helps me chew food as a replacement for saliva.  The only problem with black tea is that the tannin in it tends to dry up saliva so it is a balancing act.  The various lotions for replacement saliva just seem to coat the mouth in gel to stop it drying out rather than replace saliva. The only mouthwash I found worked for me was a brand called Oral7.

    Even now I still supplement my calories by having one or 2 Fortisips a day.

    Recovery is a game of going forwards only to go back.  That can make you really despondent, but eventually she will get to a new normal.  It does take a long while. 

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Thank you so much for all advices

  • Thank you so much.

  • Hi i was  given ensure 2 kal compact drinks on prescription. I weighed 9 Stone when treatment finished my dietician worked out my calorie intake. I didn’t put any weight on until 15 month I maintained weight. Our metabolism seems to change I could eat everything and not increase weight then slowly the weight started to increase. The cream cakes had to go !! 

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Very helpful, thank you so much.

  • Thank you so much Peter

  • Hi Joanna,

    I was so saddened to read your Mum has been told it’s all in her head …. what a pile of pants that is !!Tell her she’s doing great she’s made it through treatment and the first 8 weeks after ( mine was also dire x),

    She probably has immense pain ,swelling anxiety aswell as the nausea.

    Im 7.5 mths post treatment which I found brutal and was hospitalised for most of it due to pain and vomiting.

    I still have levels of nausea everyday but there are many anti sickness drugs ( none of which helped me) 

    i was on a bag of nutricia feed each day (1000) calories at my worst then slowly went up to (2200) all on a slow rate via pump this was essential due to vomiting and then severe nause… it was very slow progress  i managed to move onto bolus feeding hiding it in hand and pouring feed in.. then moved onto fresbuin with a small trifle ( never liked them before) have to remove sponge and strawberries but the rest slithers down a treat.

    Ive found spaghetti hoops heinz chicken soup (1/4 can) strawberry activia yogurt are now my staple diet and have just started taking 4 fresbuin drinks by mouth (1500 cals plus 300 via bits of soft foods)

    I still have rancid taste from everything even water still uncomfortable (but not painfull) when swallowing.

    Sip water little and often when she can I found Orilieve Mouth Speay doesn’t taste as bad as others.

    Try to encourage good dental/mouth are and practice exercises as often as she can the following picture was my Mantra for a long time …. 8 weeks post treatment is no time at all my Oncolgist yesterday said 2years post treatment and I will have a better idea about recovery.Sending big hugs to you both Debbie

  • Hi Debbie

    i am so sorry for late replay but I didn't feel well recently.

    thank you sooooo much PrayTwo heartsfor an amazing, supportive and very helpful advices.

    Me and my mum are wishing you a lot of health