Support or lack of.

  • 14 replies
  • 49 subscribers

We feel so let down by our cancer care team. Husband had his first Chemo session last Monday, to try and shrink the tumour, prepared to give it a go, so he could possibly start eating again. Had the Chemo, 6 hours later walking in the corridor to reception on his own, with bags of medication, so confused didn't know what he was meant to do. I took the bag and went to find the nurse, to explain, she went through it very quickly. I had envisaged that after the treatment, someone would sit down with the both of us and go through it all. Just felt so alone.

Took some sorting out, and because most of his medication is liquid, we were told to crush the chemo tablets that he had to take twice a day, and draw up in a syringe. The problem was they are plastic coated and took ages to break down, then concerned he was not receiving it all. 

Tuesday, contacted a friend who is a nurse, who helped explain the procedures, she even struggled with the tablets, was also horrified at how small a bottle of morphine we had, that we were having problems obtaining from our surgery.

The up shot is we contacted the Gastro team, about the problems  and they put in a referal to the Community Palliative Care Nurses, which we are now under. We felt, great some support, how wrong could we be. 

The advice line, at the hospice oncology,   no one answers, or it rings out. Eventually after leaving messages someone did make contact. We have been allocated Helen. Meanwhile Steve has been really struggling, constipation, them diarrhoea, sickness, not eating. losing weight,  struggling to do our best on our own, feel so very let down.

Yesterday a week after Chemo, I managed to ask that Helen contact us as we needed some more antisickness meds. She was concerned that Steve sounded as if he was struggling, also suffers from severe COPD, and concerned he was dehydrated, told to stop taking Chemo tablets and we need you to go to the hospital, to be rehydrated and will be admitted for a couple of days, can you get there? Do you need an ambulance? The hospital will be expecting you. Said we would drive, took him there the hospital knew nothing about us coming. 

Produced the sepsis card, they gave him antibiotics and saline, they did keep us in a separate room, then we came home. Feel so very let down by the team.

Today will be about contacting Helen again about medication and lack of care and support. We are both totally drained, we know there is no cure, but we had hoped for better treatment than what we have so far not received a week into treatment. 

Has anyone else felt this way?

  • Good morning, the nurse gave us a leaflet yesterday, so I will start a complaint procedure, later today. I will also put a suggestion for the Hospice that when someone new comes in for treatment that someone sits down with them and explains all of the medication that you take home. If someone had done yjat for us we would have felt more able to cope. My husband has also been advised to stop taking the chemo tablets. They will discuss the option of a lower dose next time, but if not, he will not have anymore chemo. He wants quality over quantity, which I understand. Next week nurse is coming again and we are doing the end of life paperwork.

  • Hi Bikerbabe. Thanks for your reply. Hope you’re feeling a little bit more in control and that things seems a bit more manageable. Also hope you feel reassured that you have acted quickly and in the best interests of your husband. If there is anything else you need, please come back to us on this forum. Take care, Julie

  • Morning Julie, yes feel more in control now. I have sent a complaint into PALS and a suggestion that someone actually sits down with the family after the first session of chemo, and explain the treatment plan. I still am struggling and get very overwhelmed at times, sleep is still poor for both of us. We are starting to try and plan nice things that we want to do, He wants to visit Cornwall, and he makes 1/6th scale tanks, and we are going to a show near us to meet friends for the day. Thank you everyone

  • Hi Bikerbabe. Well done. Pleased you are following things up, and starting to make plans. I found that when sleep was hard to come by, the ‘Headspace’ app helped me zone into a different way of thinking about the cancer. I hadn’t used the app before so I was a bit cynical, but I honestly found it useful. It might be something you and your husband could listen to together. Anything to feel stronger. Take care, Julie