Advice please

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  • 50 subscribers

My dad has poorly differentiated grade 3 adenocarcinoma. He was offered chemo radiation followed by surgery. The success rate seems awful. He doesn’t want any treatment and wants to manage the best he can. Unfortunately he is having more and more difficulty swallowing anything more than a few prawns and build up drinks. Regularly choking after each meal, coughing up mucus for up to 2 hours. It’s so awful and he is losing about a pound a week in weight. Please does anyone have any recommendations about what he could try to eat? The doctor said without any treatment it is a 6 to 12 month life expectancy. I don’t know if anyone can help or suggest anything. He refuses to have any treatment it’s so devastating 

  • Hi thank you so much for contacting me. It is truly the most horrendous disease. Dad is getting worse he is struggling to eat even soup or rice pudding. He gets this awful mucus that comes up and it can take 40 minutes to eat anything. He’s just saying he’s coping but he’s terrified. He doesn’t want to talk to professionals he thinks they don’t care. He’s considering a stent in the future but I think he needs it now. Mums in a constant state of crying. We can see him going worse and losing weight. It’s just crap. I’m just hoping he will try the stent. Glad your dad is having treatment there are some positive posts on here so fingers crossed. Dads worked all his life. Been a fitness freak forever and talks about his core! I certainly don’t. It just seems so unfair xxx

  • I think its the worse feeling in the world watching a loved one suffer and there's so little that you can do to help.  I just hate watching my dad go through this, it really is awful.  My dad was also getting the horrible mucus a lot, the only time it stopped was when he was sleeping.  The stent has (touch wood) stopped that, and as he's getting more used to the stent he is starting to eat a bit more but portions are very small still.  We found my dad a local lady to talk to (not part of the hospital) she deals with people that have cancer and dad has found that very helpful and he sees her once a week.  I really hope that your dad decides to get some help and that things start to get more positive.  Its so hard, but remember you are not alone with your feelings.