Pain after op

  • 13 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi there, my dad had his op on 26th January and has been discharged from hospital today (I think they needed the bed). He is in such a lot of pain, especially from the side. He's got all the meds at home but is reluctant to take the morphine as it makes him hallucinate during the night and he had a couple of accidents, as he has the runs as a result of the feeding bottle, in the hospital bed which he was completely mortified about. Have managed to persuade him to take the morphine tonight as he was crying in so much pain and have reassured him that it doesn't matter if he has an accident by protecting the bed, etc. How long will it take for the pain to start easing? It's heartbreaking to see my dad in tears coz he's in so much pain. 


  • Hi 

    I do remember coming home after my surgery. Unfortunately I had a broken rib (the surgeon was very apologetic and said I was his second patient ever that he'd accidently broken a rib gaining access) and when I went to have my stitches and staples out at my local GP the nurse noticed that one of my surgical scars (I had 10 of them requiring stitches or staples removal) was infected. I was on Oramorph and Co-codamol (30mg). For me this managed the pain, and my pain got less quite quickly. After 12 weeks I was into my second chemo cycle of FLOT, which made me feel so ill, I forgot about the surgical pain (and most other things chemo-brain). I then went onto Co-Drydramol which worked for me. This was mostly to counter the effect of pain caused by the chemo rather than surgery. Medical science has lots of treatments for pain management, and your dad should try to get help on getting an effective pain management. Perhaps his CNS can help? Mine was very helpful in my pain management. I've been in remission now for 2 years. The pain is only temporary and does go away! 

  • God, yes, the FLOT post-surgery was just awful.  My surgeon cracked three ribs to get access as well.  Tuesday next week is my second surgery anniversary - onwards and upwards.  

    Nick A
  • Congratulations for next Tuesday Nick. Hope you have a lovely celebration in lockdown? I found the pain from post surgery FLOT was worse than the pain from surgery. But I was on fentanyl for over a week. A truly remarkable drug! 
