Any Advice please

  • 27 replies
  • 33 subscribers

Please can anyone help, 

I had my post radical hysterectomy check recently. I was given an internal examination by my Consultant along with other checks and was so relieved to be told all was well. I should go back in 4month

The next morning first thing there was pink blood when I wiped. It is worse 1st thing and then sometimes just a light spotting later in day. It is not on the pad I have used, only when I wipe. It was a shock to see blood and I am so worried. 

I feel I need more reassurance, what is bleeding, is it just the exam? It was not a painful examination. Please can anyone help? 

Thank you for reading

Serena 77

  • Seffie,

    I hope it is granulation tissue, another possibility is vaginal atrophy. I need To know where bleeding coming from. 

    Thank you for your replies. 

    And yes so true  sadly not all nurses are caring but I will try to be strong. I need to have some answers.

    Serena x

  • I’ve had lovely nurses and awful, uncaring nurses over the years-luckily the good ones have been in the majority! I don’t think anyone should be in that job if they can’t have empathy and compassion for their patients, especially when we are scared and vulnerable. 

    My best friend had unexplained post menopausal bleeding though she’s not had surgery. It was vaginal atrophy but she got a scare when it happened. I’m glad you’re going to call and speak up-you need some answers here.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Sorry meant my reply to Seffie and Sarah.

    Thank you both for taking the trouble to reply. It means a lot

    Serena x

  • Don’t worry-we will both see all of your posts and replies in the thread and we are here for you.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • No problem at all! you have been very supportive when i have posted x really hope you get an answer soon and its nothing to worry about x its abit confusing because my real name is Sarah, Seffie is my internet name!!!

  • Oh that is a tad confusing, 

    I have contacted Consultant secretary by phone and email.

    Just got to wait now. 


  • Hopefully it’ll be nothing to worry about but I can imagine how you’re feeling x try to have a wait and see attitude, it helps me when I can feel myself worrying x

  • Thanks Seffie. 

    I am trying not to worry... 

    Hoping it's nothing bad. 

    Will update when I hear back. 

    Serena x

  • Just a little update  Seffie and Sarah as you were kind enough to reply to me. 

    Hospital say they not concerned,  it was caused by the examination. I feel a bit foolish for contacting them, I gave them all the details, prob too much information as they did not ask me any questions. I was just so alarmed and in a panic so I put everything in an email. They don't think a call back is needed. I am relieved of course. The bleeding has subsided but I will remain vigilant. You do feel so vulnerable with this disease. At least I have told them and my concerns are on record. Sometimes a kind reassuring word means so much, I have not had that but I know I am not alone in that. There are many with more serious  problems who need support. I am relieved and will stay positive.So Grateful to be with my lovely family.

     I can't stress enough Advocate for yourselves ladies. Don't be fobbed off. 

    Serena xx

  • Hi Serena thats great news! really pleased for you but please dont feel like you were overreacting, they tell you to contact them with any concerns but of course its just every day stuff to them x you did the right thing, you are right though we have to advocate for ourselves x try to relax now and enjoy Xmas with your family x sending lots of love x