Stage 2b cervical cancer treatment

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Hi I start my treatment tomorrow im very nervous today.  I've been ok all week but today I've got a pain where the cancer is.  I think it's just in my head.  I'm stressing myself out thinking what shall I wear?  I'm there quite a long time tomorrow because I've got bloods at 8.30 then I'm seeing someone (doctor I think) to find out what time I'm there the next day then I've got my first radiotherapy at 12.30  got the chemo  on a Tuesday .  I'm also taking a new drug tomorrow which is quite nerve racking even thou it's just a tablet.  

Anyway I've got leggings, t shirt, jumper to wear do I need to take anything else? Xx

  • Hi I finished my treatment last Tuesday I had brachytherapy the last 2 weeks which was really painful and I wasn't expecting the painful bit.  To be honest I've felt like rubbish all week tired sick painful hips and legs and today I've felt really down I've actually cried about 10 times today I'm so fed up of feeling like rubbish xxx

  • Aww hun! I felt exactly the same honestly, my brachy was really painful too but honestly I’m 4 months on and back to my normal self. (What I can call normal now) Don’t get me wrong, menopause is taking its toll on me but it gets better. I felt exactly like you do xxx

  • Aww thanks can I ask what painkillers you were on they have given me codeine but they make me feel sick and tired but they stop my legs and hips hurting.  I try to take just paracetamol during the day but there not working.  

    Thank you you have made me feel a bit better x

    Are you on hrt now they've told me to get hrt in 5 weeks but the consultant also said to me that because I was 48 I might not need it so don't know I'm guessing I will probably know in 5 weeks if I feel I need it. 

    Also did you have any bladder problems after the brachy.

    Sorry for all the questions but thanks for getting back to me with a bit positive news feels like I've been ill for ages and I was never ill before I started treatment xx

  • Aww no problem at all. Ask me anything hun, this page helped me so much when I was going through my treatment.

    yes codine had the same effect on me so I stuck to paracetamol. Speak to your consultant tho as there is other things you can try. 

    I am now on hrt patched as the menopause has fully kicked in. I’m 40 and they said I need to be on hrt until at least 50. 

    my experience of brachy wasn’t nice at all. Didn’t help that I had burning front and back from the radiotherapy. My bladder and water works is now absolutely fine. Bowels can still play up but not half as bad as it was through treatment. 

    I have recently had a pet scan and pelvis mri and I  r have recieved a call to tell me I am cancer free. Trust the process hun it will all be worth it. I was stage 3 it had spread to lymph nodes and it was 6cm in size. I was treated at Christie’s they are amazing. 

    keep going hun you are smashing it and anything at all just ask! Xxx

  • Hi Sam

    Ask for different painkillers. Unfortunately you need to watch for constipation with some but I went from codeine to Tramadol which was more effective for me. Not perfect but did give me better pain relief for a bit longer than the codeine. Things do normally get better as you get further out from treatment. 

    Sarah xx

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  • Hi Daisybella I appreciate your post was a long time ago and I do hope you have recovered well. Can i ask if you continued with the trial tablets along side your treatment in the end? It is something that has been mentioned to me x

  • Hi yes I did have the trial drug treatment.  I had to have a lot more blood tests and one day I was there all day whilst they took blood samples before I took the trial drug then had to stay for 3 hours after to take another blood sample.  But I felt like I was checked up on alot which made me feel a bit better.  I've just had my mri results they said my tumour had shrunk since my last mri but there's alot of scar tissue so got to have another mri in 6 months.  Was hoping yesterday's visit was going to last for a bit but I'm back sooner than I thought xx

  • Thanks for the reply. Hope ur results didn’t frustrate u too much, i read it as a big positive there but i know how deflating it can feel when it’s not quite what you hoped! 

    i think i’m going to do the trial too, got a meeting with the research team to go over some questions as i’m worried about it effecting my treatment etc but when i saw ur post it felt more real to say hi to someone who completed it. I’m literally at the start of it all! Xx

  • Hi I'm hope all goes well for you the first week was hard I was really tired but the treatment gets a bit easier as the weeks pass but you do get more tired and I was crying alot in waiting rooms on the radiotherapy bed but the nurses doctors are brilliant. At weekends at the beginning I was trying to catch up with cleaning etc but you need to rest let someone else do it.  I was also given a tip when having chemo if you feel sick eat some dry biscuit like ritzy the normal thing to do is drink water but it makes you feel worse.  Anyway good luck let me know how you get on xx Sam xx