
  • 26 replies
  • 291 subscribers

I have been told I need 15 sessions of radiotherapy. They will be every day except for weekends. Can anyone tell me from experience, how tired I will feel, any tips to get through it, best ways to avoid/treat side effects?

I know the medical staff go through everything with us, but it's not the same as hearing it from people who have actually gone through it. I was advised I would probably still be 'suffering' until mid February. 

Thanks in advance for any help or advice

  • I start mine next Wednesday 6 November, so I shall let you know how it goes

  • Can I ask whether you had to strip off for radiotherapy? It will help me to decide what to wear

  • I wore a crop top type bra so could have the straps down but still be covered while getting  on/off the table and pushed it down by my waist while having the treatment. Don’t wear a dress otherwise you’ll be very exposed(!) and I would go in trousers rather than a skirt. Good luck with it all, you’ll be fine. x 

  • I’ve just had a phone call (planning scan tomorrow) and they said 2 piece outfit.  e.g. top & trousers. 

  • You just take off your top off leave the bottom half on

  • At Weston Park Hospital in Sheffield they had little changing rooms outside the treatment room. I scooted in there dressed into a blue wraparound gown whilst leaving my jeans on.

    Then in the actual room, I jumped onto the machine and then untied the gown at the front for the treatment. They covered up my other breast with the gown and it also a very cold hard surface to lie on, so keeping the gown on kept me warm. 
    Its very quick and we always had a chat.

    no worries x