AIs and Zoledronic acid infusions

  • 13 replies
  • 266 subscribers

Just been told that after my operations and RT, this HT is my treatment as I’m post menopausal.

would love to hear anyone’s experience of how they went on these. Which ones the took or hated?! Any tips gratefully received!!

How long do the infusions last in terms of how long it takes and how many years and side effects of any.

thankyou so much x

  • Very similar treatment to me you are just a few months ahead. Pleased to hear you are ok on the letrozole. Surgeon told me I might feel a bit fluey after infusions for couple of days but nothing longer term. And people seem to say the first it’s the worst?? 
    Im sorry to hear how tough it’s been. I totally understand. It’s so terribly hard to keep positive. Exhausting actually! I find the minute I’m not worrying about one thing/ result I’m worrying about the next. There’s just a worry bucket there the whole time. 
    Trying to keep myself busy and do as much normal stuff as possible does help.


  • Hi

    I had a similar story to you, lumpectomy and lymph node removal last year and radiotherapy just before Christmas. I am also on Letzoral ideally for 10 years the oncologist told me. I am one year down in September. Worst side effects stiff and achy joints worse first thing in a morning and if I’ve been sat too long.

    I walk a lot and have recently started swimming. I was also advised to have the acid infusion 6 over 3 years. I had my first back in March, easy Peasy in and out in a hour, not painful. By 6pm I ended up in bed and have never felt so achy in all my life. By the same time the following day it had disappeared after a panic phone call to my BCN asking if this was normal. I didn’t get to work and have had very little time off over all. 
    I have another booked on the 16/09 initially said I didn’t want it but I am now prepared to give it another go.

    I am 57 and take long Adcal 2 twice a day and have just begun with turmeric tablets to race sore joints mainly on my right side, my surgery side.

  • Thankyou so much fot the replies

    It’s fascinating to hear everyone’s different experiences

    its such a shame that there seems to be no scientific studies about the side effects and how to avoid them

    it just seems luck of the draw? 

    off to pick up the letrozole tomorrow but hoping to go on holiday with the family later this month wondering if I should hold off or not?? Seeing oncologist tomorrow - planning to ask a load of questions and will report back! Love to know Any good questions youd have asked ?!