
  • 12 replies
  • 255 subscribers

Hello everyone

 sorry if this has been discussed several times, but anyone else aching in joints since starting Letrozole?

 I've been taking ibuprofen to try to counteract the pain!!


  • I had joint pains but started taking magnesium supplements 500 mg and they have helped. I also take calcium as a nurse told me these help. With diet I take 100 mg a day

  • Sorry 1200 msg of calcium per day

  • Hi Jax, I've been on Letrozole for 2 years and my joints and my limbs still ache. Sometimes it's better then it worsens again. I was prescribed Duloxetine which is an antidepressant but also for neuropathic pain. It helped loads. I had to come off it though because of tinnitus which is a sde effect. I learned to take letrozole last thing at night and some people think a change in brand helps. Hope you find a way through it,  its q brutal but drug but it helps keeps cancer at bay. Good luck xx

  • Thanks I'm seeing oncologist in a couple of weeks so will discuss with him x

  • Oh thank you! At least I know it isn't anything unusual to have these aches x

  • 1209 mgs including dietary sources 

  • Including dietary

  • For Jax007 and Annmw

    Jax007 pains and worse arthritis so a big yes for letrozole and also for exemestane (was changed to this, maybe slightly better).  I am prescribed Adcal, so maybe ask your GP, it will save you some money. I have tried lots of supplements but none have helped. Good Luck xx

    Annmw can I ask if the tinnitus went when you stopped taking Duloxetine? I have very bad pain in my feet which may be a leftover from neuropathy left over from chemo. I can barely walk at times, some may be increased joint and arthritic pain, and might ask my GP if I could try Duloxetine but only if I can be sure it is not going to add to my long-term problems.

    Many thanks, xx

  • Hi Jax, my tinnitus is congenital so it didn't stop, plus I've hearing loss as well. In addition Ive a fair amount of other stress which keeps tunnitis high. So it's difficult to say whether it reduced when I stopped the drug but it might be a question that ENT could answer via your GP. Despite the drug having worsening my tinnitus, I'm actually contemplating trying it again of the relief . But please do check with GP and ENT and good luck and best wishes xxx