New to the forum, so thought I'd say hello!

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Hi, I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in January and I'm ER+, PR+ and HER2 +. I was told I had 2 tumours, cells in breast tissue and 1 affected lymph node.

I started EC-T chemo in March,  3 cycles of EC and 4 cycles of T (for me this was docetaxel). I also started Phesgo injections, when starting the docetaxel, which will continue for a year. I finished chemo in July and got through it with minimal side effects.

I am now waiting to have a mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction, at the beginning of October. I am a little anxious about the long recovery period after the surgery. Not sure yet if I'll need radiotherapy, it will be decided after surgery. Hoping to go on holiday for a couple of weeks, to chill out before surgery.

Would like to hear from anyone who has gone through this surgery and how you coped with the recovery period. Xx

  • I was so worried about the injections, before I had the first one  Turns out that they're not actually that bad, which was a big relief. Will be interesting to see the outcome of the pre op situation. Different hospitals may just do things differently I suppose. Xx

  • Hi WhereisBuffy, thank you so much for taking the time to reply, it's so kind of you. Flights all booked now, I really can't wait. Will do myself and hubby good to get away, after the year we've had so far. Will be so nice to chill out a bit before surgery. Xx

  • Hi Miffysmum, I had a phone call today to confirm my surgery on the 8th of Oct and to book my pre op assessment. I was told they like to do it a couple of weeks before, for big surgeries. When I mentioned that we're going away, thy booked me in for the 9th of September. So I guess it's OK to have it a bit earlier. Today I went through the leaflet I was given of post op exercises and gave them a try. I thought I'd fo them every day before surgery, so I'm familiar with them, by the time I need to do them. Hope you are feeling OK at the moment, have a lovely weekend. Xx

  • Thank you so much for your welcoming message . I am pleased I have found this site .

    many thanks

  • Hi Daisy24, 

    I rang to check if 3rd Sept was too early for my pre op and was told it was so it’s been cancelled and I’m due a call on Tues with my new date as I don’t know my op date yet. She’s going to check it and let me know next week. My pre op will either be w/c 9th or 16th Sept. 
    Im glad you have everything sorted and can go away without it all hanging over you. I’ve still got really bad stomach pains which I’m going to have to bring up with the next medical person I speak to! 

  • Hi Miffysmum, sorry to hear you are still in pain with your stomach. I definitely think it's worth contacting someone and getting checked out. Pleased you asked about pre op and you will soon have a new date. Hopefully you will soon know the date of your surgery. As I'm now having  pre op early, I wonder if I'll have to go back  to have swabs done before surgery. I know they like to do them before you go in, we'll have to see. It turns out my October phesgo injection is due on the day of my surgery  so need to sort that out. My next echocardiogram is also due that week, so need to arrange that earlier too. Think I'll give the BCN a ring on Tuesday, to see if she can sort things out for me. Hope you are enjoying the bank holiday weekend. Xx

  • Hi, there has been a change of plan as my chemo finished earlier. I was led to believe that it wouldn’t make a difference as it was the same strength chemo just different frequency. Anyway it did make a difference apparently so my surgery has been brought forward and is now this Thursday 19th Sept. I have my pre op tomorrow 16th. I have spoken to 2 other people I know who have had the same op and feel a bit more prepared but I’m still very scared. I will be able to tell you what it’s like if yours is 8th Oct!

    Hope you have a lovely holiday x

  • Hi Miffysmum, hope all goes well with your surgery on the 19th September, will be good to get it over and done with. I do worry a bit that my surgery is such a long time after I finished chemo. However, they reassured me that it's OK, as I am on phesgo injections. Had my pre op before I came away, need another blood test on the 3rd of October. They have already done my echocardiogram, which was fine. My phesgo is due the week before my surgery, not on the same day. However, I've been getting a lot of mixed messages about whether I can have it so close to surgery. Pharmacy said oncologist has said it's OK to go ahead. However, macmillan nurse told me that surgeons don't like you to have it two weeks either side of surgery. So really not sure what will happen. I really don't like the uncertainty. Please keep me posted about hiw your recovery goes, take care. Xx

  • I was originally scheduled around 3rd Oct but then I was told last week that the surgeon said it was out of the 5/6 wk window as my chemo finished earlier than planned. I had originally asked about that and told it wouldn’t make any difference. She said it was an unnecessary risk to take as the cancer could start growing back! 
    I couldn’t believe it would grow back after 4 mths of chemo but what do I know?!

    Its amazing how everyone says different things and they all work in the same dept!

    Anyway there’s nothing I can do now except go with it. I’m very scared, probably of the unknown, and I can only literally function one day at a time now xx

  • I just have to hope that phesgo injections stop any tumours from getting bigger again, while waiting for surgery. I'm sure they wouldn't wait this long, if the risk increased for me. Hope your pre op assessment goes well today. Xx