New Rectal Cancer Diagnosis

  • 11 replies
  • 176 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I had my first oncologist appointment today and it was news I didn't want to hear. There was a lot of information and I didn't take it all in but the main thing was the TNM was 321. She said they didn't like to use the stages as it didn't tell the whole picture but this would mean it's stage 4. This is when I started to cry. I'm 51 with a wife and daughter and I want to support them.

It's spread to my lymph nodes and liver. This is still really new and I'm trying to get my head around this information. They'll be starting me on chemo in 3 to 4 weeks so there's still hope. I can't remember the names of them but there's 3 they're going to give me. They said they'll send me all the information in a letter.

I'm lost and scared. This is a terrible way to introduce myself. Anyway it's the middle of the night and I can't sleep. Hopefully this isn't too out of place and apologies if it is.

I just needed to share. Thanks.

  • I remember how lost and devastated i was at the time of diagnosis.  This site has been a godsend. 
    I had gone down the rabbit hole of google. 
    Thankyou for your well wishes