Colonoscopy - anaesthetic??

  • 12 replies
  • 170 subscribers

Hi all - I just wondered if anyone had any words of wisdom about colonoscopies? Feeling very apprehensive. Did you have anaesthesia? Any insights very welcome. 
Thank you. Tab x

  • A huge thank you for all your responses. I had the colonoscopy yesterday and your words of wisdom were spot on. Sedative was great. Prep was grim but functional.
    I was diagnosed with diverticulitis on left and four biopsies from two places taken. I am still in pain after over 8 weeks, (especially at base of spine) so am worried as diverticulitis is meant to clear up after a week or two. I didn’t see the doctor after the procedure - the nurse just gave me a leaflet and the diagram and said he’ll see me when biopsy results are back. I feel so lonely on this journey as don’t want to panic my family - far too many existing stresses as my brother has a brain tumour. 
    I know most of you are much further along this journey and I take strength from your posts. I think you are truly extraordinary. I know somehow we find strength to weather these challenges but right now I feel like a very frightened little girl. 

  • Billy Connelly has done a hilarious routine on having a colonoscopy which you can see on You Tube. Having anaesthetic helped me cope, no pain at all , I was pretty oblivious to it. I still don't like the idea of them, it's more in my mind than in the reality of the experience , though.