Husband rectal cancer surgery

  • 16 replies
  • 176 subscribers

Hello, I am new to the community, though I have read many helpful comments, I haven’t made any myself.

My husband has advance stage 3 rectal cancer, he has had chemo and chemo/radiotherapy, and now will go in for surgery in a couple of weeks.  I’m staying strong in his presence, though I am struggling in private.  His surgery will result in a stoma, we won’t know whether a temporary or permanent one, until they open him up.  

I would appreciate any advice on what I can say or do to support him through his surgery and recovery.

thank you and I hope everyone is doing ok.

  • What a brilliant post  and in sure it will be a great help to others on the board. Hope hubbys reversal goes well - the early weeks can be a bit erratic - but there’s lots of info on here and the pelvic exercises that he’s been doing will help too

     Living well with a stoma reversal or LARS 

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Thanks Karen for the LARS info, very useful, especially now my husband has just (yesterday) had his stoma reversal, it went really well.  

    Our, I would say journey, but it feels more like an ordeal..! Is nearly over.  Just need to help my husband recover from surgery and get him to full fitness again.

    We have been so lucky with how things have gone, it hasn’t been easy, and we have worked hard at every stage, but it is nearly over.  Which is why I hope that by sharing our story, we can give others hope, in what is a very scary situation.

    Remember to stay positive, be positive and take one day at a time.

    love to you all

    Take care



  • Wow  so that’s the final stage ticked off? The first couple of months after a reversal can be tough but things will hopefully settle down over time. 
    You say you’ve been lucky but you’ve stepped up the task and pulled through it together. I’m sure the walking and pelvic exercises will have helped and the positivity you’ve shown throughout.

    Thankyou for sharing such lovely news again and please keep popping in to update us - it really does help others starting out and looking for success stories

    Take care

    Karen x

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm
  • Hello everyone,

    I just want to give an update on my husband’s ileostomy reversal.  

    The operation went really well, no complications.  He was in hospital for 5 days.  When in hospital, he had no food restrictions, and the first time he went to the toilet all was good.  So he was able to come home.  When at home though, we realised some foods (onions especially) caused some issues.  He had a couple of accidents, but we kept a food diary so we could monitor and adjust when necessary. He took some loperamide (Imodium tablets) to help get things under control, but only when necessary, we don’t want to rely on these going forward.

    We are 6 weeks in and things are starting to settle down, he hasn’t needed any tablets and has had no problems for a week.  We know we have a little way to go, before we get to his new normal, but keeping a food diary has helped us plan ahead, especially when going out to eat.

    For anyone starting the terrifying journey of cancer, please stay strong, keep positive, tell yourself everyday you can beat this, you are stronger than you know.  Work out what you can do to take some control of the situation, I.e exercise, eating, have something to look forward to after each treatment (chocolate, day out etc), anything to keep you looking forward.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help, many of us love helping others, so let them help you.

    I wish everyone love and strength.



  • That’s amazing news and thank you so much for sharing your journey. My husbands treatment plan seems very similar to this. He’s about to have his 5th out of 6 chemo cycles and then moves onto chemo/radio in September and then hopefully the op. I was starting to get a bit anxious as we near the end of the first part of treatment and this post was exactly what I needed to see this morning! 

    I’m so pleased your husband is doing well and getting back to normal following everything he’s been through. Wishing you both all the best and hope you’ve been able to relax in the sunshine and enjoy spending some less stressful time together! 

    Thanks again for sharing

    sarah xx

  • Hello Sarah,

    Apologies for my delay in replying, we have been away.

    I’m so glad my post was able to give you some support, in what is a very anxious time.  Keep focusing on one day at time, stay positive and remember there is a lot of support around you, so don’t be afraid to ask for help.

    I do hope his Chemo side effects are not too bad, I know how hard it is to see a love one go through it, we are here for you. 

    All the best of luck with the radiotherapy/chemo, this wasn’t as bad as the chemo, so I hope it is the same for your husband.

    Please, remember to look after yourself as well.

    I wish you both all the very best, please keep us updated with his progress.


