Starting capecitabine soon, Tablet form only, for 6 months. What's your experience with this drug been like? Would love to hear!

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  • 169 subscribers

Hi all, I had a call with my oncologist this morning, following a successful operation to remove a sigmoid tumour (anterior resection) 11th Jan.

Oncologist has stated I will be placed on a 2 a day tablet form of capecitabine, 2 weeks of this dosage, followed by 1 week off, for a total of 6 months.

It is slightly longer time period than I expected but I will definitely be going for it and am looking forward to getting started. I would love to hear your experiences of this drug in relation to side effects etc and how you were able to cope on a daily basis in regards to work/ daily tasks as well.

I am a healthy 46 year old female with 2 young boys age 13 and 8. Have always been healthy and was shocked to receive my diagnosis on Xmas eve last year. I feel almost completely recovered from my operation and have been managing cooking, light house cleaning and a daily outdoor walk most days. Bowel movements pretty much back to normal and my appetite is high, although I still manage to stick to 'small portions' rule :). I was lucky to not need a stoma following the operation. 

Looking forward to your feedback on your personal experiences with capecitabine. Take care and all the best. 

  • Hi

    I have noticed now after my 4th cycle of Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin that it's getting tougher. At times quite severe pains in lower abdomen and definitely becoming tired more easily. Determined to get through it but results of a scan that I had on Monday will determine the next step for me. Worrying time but want to stay positive.

    • Steak 
  • Wishing you all the best for your scan results Steak. Yes it is a worrying time, I know that feeling very well. I too find trying to stay positive is not always easy but we have to keep on don't we! I am just on my 3rd cycle now with capecitabine, so far so good so I am keeping fingers crossed . All the best take care 

  • Wishing you all the best for your operation Nelson2810! Take care not to stress too much I know it's not easy though! Keep us posted from your hospital bed, all the best! 

  • Good stuff Rose2020. You are right it's all about attitude and the positive attitude has a better chance of beating this illness. Keep strong and don't focus on possible side effects. Stay safe


  • Hi Rose

    I'm having chemo before any surgery. Just competing first session as on the drug free days.  First day a drip and one Capecitabine then 14 days taking Capecitabine 500mg twice daily. Days 2,3,4 and 5 also Dexamethasone.  Found my Co stipation is cured. Felt nauseous for a few days in cycle but took meds for that. Low level of tiredness. Didn't realise dosage increases!

    Hope all goes well for you and sending love.
