Foul smelling flatulence long after reversal

  • 29 replies
  • 137 subscribers

Hello everyone.

It is a long time since I lasted posted and my thoughts and secular prayers remain with everyone suffering from or connected with rectal cancer.

On my last posting I was happy to report progress after my reveral operation but things did then become a bit more complex with bowel action problems. Most of these have settled now but I am left with the above socially difficult situation. About an hour after my evening meal, no matter what it is, I have this persistent and extremely  foul smelling wind. It causes me no physical distress but is socially impossible and continues until I go to sleep. It would help me to know if anyone else suffers this and of any way to alleviate it. I am sure my ever loving and long suffering wife will be grateful for any positive answers as well. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi David thanks for your reply. I will talk to the stoma nurse I can easily contact her.

    I suppose it is quite normal after we have gone through so very much to be scared of change.

    I realise it would be more beneficial to me to have the reversal. I am 56, I do have a partner and we are both used to a bag stuck on the side of me.

     I care about body image very much and for myself I think I do want it reversing I am just a little scared of tempting providence.

    Enjoy your holiday and be sure to take a kite with you for the wind LOL

    Julie X

  • Hi David and Others

    I had colon resection a year ago. Half of my colon and rectum were removed and the rectum was re-engineered from colon tissue. I am still suffering constipation, and uncontrolled accidents when I take laxatives. My question today, however is I have major smelly gas about an hour after eating and also in between. Its become a huge problem. I work in a closed office and am afraid to eat. My social events are affected, as have to vacate the area soon after eating out anywhere. I can live with the constipation and accidents, as these are mostly privately managed. But the smelly gas I cannot control at all. I have good sphincter control my specialist tells me so its not about tightening up and waiting for a time when I can release. The gas just exhausts, without much warning. I really have a problem, and thinking to leave my job and find something that I can work in isolation. I would never be able to spend the night with anyone but my close family. This is a major issue affecting my quality of life and earning potential. Please has anyone who has had the same problem,  found a solution? I will do anything, go vegan whatever, but I cannot starve. Please please help. From a depressed Survivor. 


    Read this - hope it is helpfull for your problem

  • FormerMember


    I have the same horrible smelling wind problem too. It's tiresome but I think the only way to deal with it is a sense of humour. I often blame it on the dog although I suspect my dear husband knows it is really me . Small helpings help but only up to a point. But I tell myself it's better than having a bag and a small price to pay for getting rid of the cancer.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Capetonian

    Capetonian - I am wondering if you have found a solution to your problem.  I am four months post op from a very small, low anterior bowel resection, the result of invasive endometriosis.  Everything seems pretty good except that I don't feel like my colon completely empties anymore (I find myself wiping a second time hours after a BM, when I was spotlessly clean earlier), and I too am suffering from the most foul smelling flatulence.  It's really upsetting and I agree with everything you said about social situations.  I am VERY lucky in that I work from home, but my job is a limited tenure position and will end in October, and I don't think I can go to work in an office under these circumstances.  Please tell me if you, or anyone on here, has found relief.  I have tried changing my diet, but much like the OP said, it doesn't seem to matter what I eat.  I feel like it has to do with my bowel not "clearing" as well as it used to, if that makes any sense, so that gas that used to come out "unsullied", shall we say, is now moving through stool and picking up the stink.  It does sound funny, but believe me when you are in an elevator and it comes on (and it comes on STRONG - there's no holding it in), it is anything but!  Please tell me someone has solved this problem - 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I just wanted to post here that I found an over the counter product that many folks who have issues with foul smelling wind after gastric-bypass surgery report as a successful remedy for this issue.  It is called Devrom.  I do not know if it is available in the UK or if so under the same or different name.  I have mine on order, it is arriving tomorrow.  I will let you know how if it works.  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I'm 15 mnths since my rejoin. No rectum now. The flatulence stops all social events even going to the movies. I'm lucky in that I'm able to retire. Going in a shop can be tricky. I can't control it but I'm aware some foods cause more gas than others. Onions, cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts etc. It is hard to restrict vegies but I try to go easy on these.

    I scared to use any over the counter meds in case it causes constipation which is a big no no.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I don't rhink you can stop it altogether. No doubt there are foods that aggravate the situation. We just have to find the right balance which may be different for each person. I don't think the flatulence is a permanent side effect from the bowel surgery.

  • Its been 16 months since ostomy reversal, and got to crisis point. As per my previous post, foul smelling gas and off the chart constipation. Firstly the gas ... my view is caused by constipation where food is putrifying after staying in the gut too long, and certain foods cause more gas and certain foods cause foul smell when putrified. So, I am very careful about eating non-friendly food and it helps. I still have gas, but smell is mostly manageable. But I do not eat any processed food if I am in other people's company as the gas is uncontrollable and I never know what the lingering effect will be. So weekends I splurge (fish, eggs etc) as my family is forgiving. You can google which foods cause gas, and which cause smell. 

    The constipation however is a real crisis as the only way I can evacuate is by excessive strain, and I mean eyeball popping strain! Not good as the anus starting to puff out and swollen.  I went to a pelvic physio yesterday and confirmed, that the straining is causing physical damage - I am pushing the lining of the anus out which may need surgery to fix, and will not fix the constipation, but make it worse. Reason for constipation is simple. I dont have a rectum which would normally cause propulsion of stool out the anus. I ony have colon (j-pouch) which does not do the same job.  I already take daily laxatives but in moderation as hoping that exercise and a miracle will work. Dont want to depend on massive doses - which also cause soiling accidents. But now at a point where I have to do more and pelvic physio very adamant  - no more straining. So, new regime, common sense really. Minimum 2 litres water a day, so stool does not dry out due to length of time in colon, 25g of insoluable fibre a day in 3 meals, daily exercise (twice a day) which include twisting the torso gently. Also increased laxatives for the short term and see f the diet and exercise help. I am not allowed to strain. Rather have an accident she says ! I am also going back to my hospital to learn about 'low volume washout' so I will have equipment and technique to do mini-enema, as a backup. Having the backup will also reduce the anxiety, which adds to the constipation. I also have to allow quiet time 45 min after meals to go to the toliet and try get body into a routine time for evacuation. Am considering yoga, pilates as well as my normal daily 45 min walk. We cant talk about these matters to our friends or even family so much, so this site is helpful for me to learn and also to express my own issues. My heart goes out to all of you with these and similair problems.    

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Capetonian

    Capetonian. Sorry to read you have it so bad. When i had a long bout of constipation i got terrible pains. Now i avoid red meat. Always blocks me up. Cranberry juice and pears plus half a gentle laxative. Oh and lots of water. I eat heaps of vegies and grain fibres. I also need to walk to get the colon moving. I don't go too long without toilet in fear of stools hardening. To avoid this i take whatever is required.

    Hope it is resolved soon cause i know how awful it is.