After Antetior Resection

  • 11 replies
  • 133 subscribers

Hi.....I had Anterior Resection 3 weeks ago. Recovered from surgery well. My wound was slightly inflamed so 1 week later was given antibiotics. Since I got them I had terrible diarrhea. Was then given different ones not so strong. I was told it be combination of the antibiotics and surgery I've had. I understand will take a few weeks for bowels to settle but literally anything I eat/drink come straight back out. I've been given Loperamide, on my 4th day and don't feel it's helping. Has anyone else had this problem?

  • Hi i had right hemicolectomy last October suffered with diarrhea since then after lots of phone calls to Drs and hospital i finally seen my consultant in May this year i was diagnosed with Bile acid malabsorption i have been given Colestyramine powder to take daily along with Loperamide it has got better but still have flair ups